Archive by Author

Expeditions to Edinburgh and Liverpool

12 Sep

This week I am working at Edinburgh university helping them think strategically about assessment and feedback. The slides I’m using are here  Edinburgh-NSS-and-assessmentSept-2016-w.pptx (569 downloads)
Later in the week I’m working at Liverpool John Moores University, supporting colleagues with their writing for publication. It’s great having the chance to work one-to-one with eager writers and see them successfully getting articles published over time, often leading to PhDs by publication!


Autumn Leaves

6 Sep

The trees are starting to colour and the academic year has commenced so now it’s time to return to  foregrounding teaching, learning and assessment (as opposed to jam making, grandchildren and holidays!)
So this week I am delighted to be supporting Cardiff Met’s Alumni event to celebrate 10 years of the Post Grad Cert in HE there. I am having a busy day and the slides for all four sessions I am doing can be found here:  CardiffMet-sept2016-TED-talk-w-1.pptx (1137 downloads) CardiffMet-sept2016-Engagment-workshop-w-1.pptx (1122 downloads) CardiffMet-sept2016-embedding-change-w-1.pptx (895 downloads) CardiffMet-sept2016-Alumni-keynote-w-1.pptx (1001 downloads)

Comings and Goings at Birkbeck

28 Jul

Phil and I spent an intensive morning today working with senior colleagues at Birkbeck University of London who are currently crafting their HEA Principal Fellowship applications. This was our last face-to-face workshop of this academic year. The slides, grid and questions we referred to are open educational resources, you are welcome to use in your support for aspirant Fellows at all levels. Thanks for making us welcome and best wishes to Pro Vice Master Sue Jackson on her impending retirement.
UKPSF-recognition-slides-2015-w.pptx (737 downloads)   grid-2015-11-1.docx (675 downloads)   Questions-for-PF-w-4.docx (583 downloads)

Double Delight!

24 Jul

Phil and I are delighted to see the first photograph of our new tiny grandchildren Chloe (on the left) and Molly Race (on the right) in a cot together, in Swansea, breathing by themselves and looking quite happy with themselves. We will be going to see them again tomorrow for a couple of days, en route to our penultimate Chloe and Mollysummer working day at Birkbeck on Thursday.

Lazy, hazy days of summer?

19 Jul

Last week I undertook Fellowship consultancy in Plymouth and this week I am mentoring in Huddersfield. And next week Phil are doing consultancy at Birkbeck before my last event of the year at the Open University.
Earlier in the year Shan Wareing and I made a short video about how educational developers and senior managers can help each other and be mutually supportive. This relates to our chapter in the new Popovic and Baume book for Routledge ‘Advancing Practice in Academic Development’
If you are finding you need some light entertainment you might like this YouTube video

Leeds Beckett writing retreat: York: 7th-8th July

8 Jul

Having a very successful writing workshop with Leeds Beckett colleagues at York. Last year they produced 11 published outputs as a result. Bingo  game Writing-bingo-w.docx (636 downloads) Slides:  leeds-beckett-writing-w.pptx (626 downloads)

Sharing in Sheffield and beyond

30 Jun

After two hectic weeks of European travel and a Brexit outcome that has left me saddened and aghast, I am now back in the UK for the next month at least, supporting a number of curriculum development and enhancement activities, as well as chairing the ANTF committee next week and supporting amazing Leeds Beckett colleagues in a ‘writing for publication’ residential in York (I can’t wait!). So first this week, on Thursday I am working with colleagues in Sheffield University to foster innovative approaches to curriculum design and assessment, for which the slides are here. Sheffield-june30-Innov-curric-assess-w.pptx (1170 downloads)  Life must go on! So let’s continue to share together in a mutually supportive and collegiate environment of people who care about learning,teaching and assessment whatever is happening in the wider world. Please remember that all my presentations and downloads are offered as Open Educational Resources for all.

Energising Excellence (nearly) Everywhere

22 Jun

It’s another lively week this week with a session in Belfast with Caroline Stainton of the Higher Education Academy, as part of the series of sessions on the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme and the new Collaborative Awards for Excellent Teaching.

Next it’s Dublin on Thursday for the Confederation of Student Services Conference at Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland, working with colleagues on excellent student experiences and transitions (slides for which are here: CSSI-Dublin-excellence-w.pptx (598 downloads)   CSSI-Transitions-June-2016-w.pptx (675 downloads) ) and then back via Heathrow to keynote at the Henley Business School of Reading University on enhancing assessment. (slides here: Henley-Business-school-24-June-16-w.pptx (894 downloads) and biscuit game here:   Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1133 downloads) ).

Slightly quieter weeks to follow, which is a good job as I have a Teaching Excellence Framework Technical Consultation response to finalise for the Association of National Teaching Fellows.

Innovations in international contexts

13 Jun

This week sees me and Phil clocking up some miles and having the opportunity to learn from colleagues in Spain, the Netherlands and the UK, and next week we will be in Ireland too. On Wednesday I will be  working at the Universitat de Vic outside Barcelona, contributing to their ‘Formative and shared assessment’ project and taking part in their International Workshop on higher education. (Slides and handout here:  20-assess-propositions-in-6-pages-fn.docx (714 downloads)   UVicBarcalona-Assess4focus-and-achievement-w.pptx (850 downloads)
On Friday I will be working with my longstanding good colleagues at Utrecht University, working on their programme for pedagogic leaders on issues around assessment and internationalization (slides and workshop task are here: Inclusive-assessment-workshop-task-Utrecht-w.docx (712 downloads) , International-Utrecht-2016-w-without-pict.pptx (843 downloads) ).
And to finish the week, on Saturday I am at Leicester contributing to the Open University’s staff development event focusing on pedagogic matters, with a lead session on Teaching and Learning in the 21st century; trends, tendencies and tentative steps towards enhancement OU-Trends-June-2016-w.pptx (716 downloads) .
Yes I know that is a silly schedule, but aren’t we lucky to be allowed to contribute in this way.

Learning and Legacies

5 Jun

After a lovely (but rainy) week in Filey with the family, it’s back to business again with a busy  working week for me at Reading University on Tuesday and Wednesday  (my slides are here: Reading-prog-level-assess-June-2016-w.pptx (826 downloads) Reading-group-work-June2016-w.pptx (751 downloads) Egg game handout (800 downloads) ) and then off to Ormskirk  with Phil for Edge Hill’s celebratory Solstice learning and teaching conference, at which I, Phil and lots of other previous Solstice keynoters will be coming together to share expertise and learn from each other. This looks as if it will be a lot of fun as well as being an intense professional development experience! My slides for my session on ‘Leading change in learning and teaching’ are here:  Change-solstice-June-2016-w.pptx (707 downloads)