Energising Excellence (nearly) Everywhere

22 Jun

It’s another lively week this week with a session in Belfast with Caroline Stainton of the Higher Education Academy, as part of the series of sessions on the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme and the new Collaborative Awards for Excellent Teaching.

Next it’s Dublin on Thursday for the Confederation of Student Services Conference at Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland, working with colleagues on excellent student experiences and transitions (slides for which are here: CSSI-Dublin-excellence-w.pptx (585 downloads)   CSSI-Transitions-June-2016-w.pptx (669 downloads) ) and then back via Heathrow to keynote at the Henley Business School of Reading University on enhancing assessment. (slides here: Henley-Business-school-24-June-16-w.pptx (883 downloads) and biscuit game here:   Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1121 downloads) ).

Slightly quieter weeks to follow, which is a good job as I have a Teaching Excellence Framework Technical Consultation response to finalise for the Association of National Teaching Fellows.