Archive by Author

Programme Refreshment and PhDs by Publication

30 Jun

On Tuesday 30th of June and Wednesday 1st July I am working at Liverpool John Moores University again to help them with a curriculum renewal project, firstly with Programme Leaders and secondly with programme teams. the slides I am using are here. LJMU Assessment (630 downloads) , LJMU Curriculum (607 downloads) . I am also helping set up a self help and co-mentoring group for colleagues at LJMU embarking on a PhD by Publication. Sarah Nixon and Barbara Walsh who worked with me and Phil in the Newcastle group on PhDs by Publication both have their Doctorates now and are ‘paying forward’ by setting up this group for their faculty colleagues.

On Thursday I am keynoting and running workshops at Bradford University’s Learning and Teaching conference, again focusing on Programme re-energisation, and the slides I use are here: Bradford slides (1066 downloads) .

With Granny duties on Monday and Friday, it looks like being a busy week!

Homing in on East Anglia

24 Jun

Today I am working at the University of East Anglia with senior colleagues on Principal and Senior Fellowships of the higher education academy   The slides and handout I am using here. I have family locally and spent much of my childhood so it’s great to be back in the region.  UKPSF grid (810 downloads) , UKPSF slides (775 downloads)

Engaging Students and Staff at the University of South Wales

18 Jun

It’s great to be back in Pontypridd to work with staff and student reps at the University of South Wales. I’ve been visiting  this campus for at least 25 years and it’s always interesting to see how institutions grow, merge, develop and flourish. It’s still a jolly steep walk from the bottom of the campus to the top however. I’ll be engaging with Conference participants throughout the day, starting with my keynote, the slides for which are here:   USW slides (717 downloads)

Planning ahead at Anglia Ruskin

12 Jun

Today I am at Anglia Ruskin’s Cambridge campus helping colleagues think ahead about National Teaching Fellowships in 2016 and beyond. My slides are here. ARU NTF June 12 2015 (663 downloads)
May I offer my heartiest congratulations to the NTFS cohort announced yesterday ( An amazing achievement and the start of fabulous new networking opportunities through the Association of National Teaching Fellows which for me is a wonderfully supportive network and community of practice!

Nottingham Trent means Business about HEA Fellowships

10 Jun

Today I am working again at NTU’s Business School where I am helping colleagues decide which level to go for and helping them make a good start on their applications  during the day. The slides and handout I am using are here.  Congratulations to senior staff who have got their Senior and Principal Fellowships already. UKPSF slides (810 downloads) , grid (651 downloads)

Evidencing excellent teaching at ARU

3 Jun

I’m back today at Anglia Ruskin University helping colleagues to think ahead about future National Teaching Fellowship applications, just a week before this year’s results are officially announced. My slides for the session are here: ARU NTF June 2015 (643 downloads)

Communicating at Cork

21 May

With Phil, I’m working today at Cork Institute of Technology, doing two workshops on assessment, the slides for which are here:  Cork Assessing groupwork (652 downloads) , Cork Assessing large groups (544 downloads)
It is always a delight to work with Marese Bermingham and colleagues in Cork. We are here today on a flying visit before a long weekend with all our family in the Lakes, with our car at Manchester airport full of home baking.

What an exciting week!

10 May

The next five days look like being a great deal of fun. On Monday I will spend the day at the Royal Festival Hall, where my aunt Betty Anne Tribe was one of the architects (she designed the ladies toilets). photo (41)I am honoured to be receiving an Honorary Doctorate from Kingston University who hold their graduation ceremonies there.  Pictures will be tweeted!

On Tuesday I am doing some support work for London South Bank University and going to the theatre, before contributing to their whole staff conference on Wednesday. The slides for my workshop on engaging students will are here LSBU slides (586 downloads) .

Then it’s straight off to Manchester for me and Phil  for two days of joyous networking and learning opportunities at the SEDA May conference in Manchester on International Higher Education, where I will be offering the final keynote on Friday. My slides will appear here at the end of the week. I’m a very lucky woman to have such a varied and interesting life. SEDA slides (533 downloads)

What a brilliant concept!

30 Apr

Today I am acting as external at Anglia Ruskin University for a new Masters/PGCert/PGDIP in Student Affairs in Higher Education, offering a career enhancement for staff in universities working in all areas of student support. It should prove very popular and of interest for example to Counsellors, Student writing supporters, information management specialists, international officers and others.  Genius!

Supporting Staff at SAMS in Scotland

23 Apr

On 23rd and 24th April I am leading a programme for staff at the Scottish Marine Institute in Oban, helping staff there think about teaching, assessing and engaging their Masters students, many of whom are international students. The slides are here: SAMS slides (608 downloads) .

What a fantastic opportunity this is to come to the north west of Scotland at this time of year in what promises to be lovely weather – yesterday was fabulous!