Archive by Author

Joined up Thinking, Journeys and Joy

27 May

After a lovely time down in Brighton (Hove actually) last week, after a 12 hour turnaround we set off to Dublin on Sunday morning for a series of workshops in Ireland for the Crannog Project, which is looking to advance middle management leadership in learning and teaching. The workshops will take place in Dublin, Limerick and Galway. On Friday in Galway (at NUI, Galway, not at the IT as the slides first posted suggested – updated ones here) in the afternoon I’m also leading a workshop on ‘enhancing assessment and feedback’. Both sets of slides are here!   Irish-Crannog-project-May-2018-w.pptx (577 downloads)    AssessFeedbackGalway-June-2018-w.pptx (470 downloads)   Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1154 downloads)

Picture shows those there at the start of the final workshop above:

And next week is another exciting week, I’m keynoting at the British Psychological Society Conference in Birmingham on ‘inspiring teaching’ and then heading off for the fabulous Solstice Conference which is Edge Hill University Annual Interactive Learning and Teaching Fest, at which Phil and I are both presenting. Slides for these events will follow next week.
And if you are able to enjoy any of this lovely sunshine, do so with joy!

Crumbs! It time for cookies in Cork

13 May

This week Phil and I are working at Cork IT as part of a programme of activity enhancing  learning  and teaching. Phil is doing a masterclass on making learning happen and I am doing one on assessment. My slides are here:  AssessFeedbackCorkIT-May-2018-w.pptx (544 downloads) I will again be using the biscuit game to illustrate how we can develop assessment literacy: see here:  Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1154 downloads)
It’s great to be back in Cork again: on Sunday before we started working we had a train trip  down to Cobh as illustrated here.  
On Wednesday I am visiting Edinburgh Napier University again as part of the work I’m doing with Kay Sambell and I’m very much looking forward to meeting up again with colleagues from Pachua University.

Then joyously at the end of the week we are off to see our glorious granddaughters in Neath. What a lovely work life balance we have.


Pathways to PhD by publication

25 Apr

Have you ever considered doing a PhD by published works? If so you might like to read my blog posted today by the British Educational Research Association (BERA) a link to which is provided here.
It’s the route by which I did my PhD and I think it’s really appropriate for people who have come into higher education teaching through various professional routes, who now need to find an accessible pathway to a PhD. Let me know if you find it useful.

Energising Engagement at Edge Hill

22 Apr

I love being a Visiting Professor at Edge Hill University! And it’s good to see some Spring weather at last! After a great weekend supporting colleagues preparing for PhDs by Publication, Phil and I are both doing worksho

ps here on Tuesday 24th April, with Phil doing a session on assessment and feedback and me doing one on Professionalism in Practice: my slides are here.  Prof-in-practice-Rsch-Own-Teaching-Edge-Hill-24-April-2018-w.pptx (519 downloads)

And here is a marvellous picture from Sarah Wright (@Sarah_wright) at Edge Hill University of the infographic she did while she was in my workshop! She’s put my points much more succinctly and clearly than I did.

Communities, Communication, Co-authoring, and Collaboration

19 Apr

The University of Plymouth always runs an excellent scholarly conference under the auspices of PedRio led by Pauline Kneale so I am looking forward to presenting on the 20th of May, on the work Kay Sambell and I are working on currently, on international perspectives on assessment. The slides are here. International-Pedrio-2018-w.pptx (612 downloads) I am working too here with Pauline on an unfunded (but fascinating) research project on the assessment of students’ community engagement. How marvellous to be on such a glorious campus in sunshine after a long, grey, cold Spring!

Cracking down after Easter

9 Apr

After a great break featuring many Easter Egg hunts and much fun despite the terrible weather, it’s back to work this week, with me returning to Edinburgh Napier for another workshop with the Health and Social care team on assessment, my slides are here:  Edinburgh-Napier-HSC-12th-April-2018-w.pptx (470 downloads) . A link to the biscuits game is here:  Biscuit-game.docx (618 downloads)

I’m looking forward in the following week to working with the Law School at Manchester University. Slides and handout here:  GetPublishedManchester-w.pptx (501 downloads)   AssessFeedbackManchester17th-April-2018-w.pptx (509 downloads)   grid-2017-w.docx (616 downloads)

Then on to Plymouth for their amazing seventh annual Pedrio conference where I will be talking again about the work on international perspectives on assessment that Kay Sambell and I are currently working on. For the event details, see​  It might still be possible to book a place there!

Egging colleagues on to demonstrate Teaching Eggsellence

25 Mar

This week I will be facilitating the last two sessions for colleagues thinking about going for National Teaching Fellowship in 2018 or indeed subsequently, as well as for those who support them. On Wednesday morning  9.30-11.30, I will be at Anglia Ruskin University, so thanks to Sharon Waller for hosting us there, and on Wednesday afternoon I will be at City University 2pm-4pm  with thanks to Suzannah Quinsee for making this possible. The slides  I am using are here. ANTF-presentation-w3.pptx (637 downloads) Together with my ANTF colleagues, we will have then run 11 live events and two webinars notwithstanding blizzards causing the rescheduling of three of our sessions. After that, Phil and I are looking forward to hosting Easter egg hunt and Easter crafting party at our house on Friday afternoon before starting what we hope will be a peaceful and productive weekend, so we wish the same to you.

Seeking to Celebrate and Recognise Teaching Excellence

15 Mar

On Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st March, Phil and I will be in Manchester at the event the Association of National Teaching Fellows is co-convening with the HEA to celebrate the impact of National Teaching Fellows and winners of the Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence and Global Teaching Excellence Awards. I will be helping to lead the NTF day and Chairing the ANTF AGM, but on day Two I will be co-presenting with Kay Sambell our emergent thinking on international perspectives on assessment and feedback. Our slides are here:  International-ANTF-symposium-March-2018-ww.pptx (498 downloads)
We are tackling a bold theme: is it possible to identify any particular assessment and feedback conventions, approaches, expectations and practices associated with different nations? I would be delighted to hear from colleagues who have thoughts on this area.
And then on Wednesday 22nd March Phil and I will be co-facilitating the next in our series of ANTF workshops to discuss this year’s National Teaching Fellowship Scheme  at Leeds Beckett University 1pm-3pm: the slides we will be using are here:  ANTF-presentation-w3.pptx (637 downloads)

NTF 2018 Updated slides

2 Mar

I am pleased to say we had a very successful webinar today on NTF 2018 led by Peter Hartley, Helen May and me, which replaced the planned session at Edinburgh Napier University, which was closed today with the blizzards.
A couple of issues cropped up both in the planning of it and during the webinar, which required some clarification by Helen May, and Peter Hartley also provided a very useful mindmap, so this version of the slides is the the updated one, with three new slides inserted after Peter’s mindmap. We hope you find these useful.  ANTF-presentation-w3.pptx (637 downloads)
We are also discussing running a second webinar on Tuesday 13th March, 10am-11am, subject to confirmation, so I will confirm this when I can.


28 Feb

Due to the appalling weather conditions in much of Eastern England (currently a blizzard in Newcastle where I live!) and predicted worse weather for the next two days, we have with regret decided we must rearrange the two NTF support sessions in Leeds and Edinburgh. If you booked for someone else as well, please be sure to advise them too

Please do not travel to Bath either; we have postponed the NTF workshop at Bath to Friday 9th March instead, starting at 14.30 in room CB1.11. Do email me directly if you prefer attending on the 9th instead.: contact  for more info.

The revised date for the Leeds event is the afternoon of Thursday 22nd March from 1pm-3pm in the same building in Leeds City Centre, the Rosebowl in room 263.

With the Edinburgh event, we will instead be holding a webinar at the time the event was planned this Friday,2nd March at 1PM-3PM which will be supported by the HEA.

For the webinar replacement  for the NTF session planned for Friday,2nd March at 1PM-3PM  supported by the HEA, please go to this link

People other than those booked on to the event are welcome to join in


​We are also exploring a date for a physical meeting in Scotland at a later date if there is significant interest from colleagues in Scotland. Please email me if you would be interested in attending such an event in late March.

We will also be holding an ADDITIONAL SESSION in Manchester during the 2-day HEA/ANTF Teaching Excellence event on Wednesday 21 March: more details will be supplied as soon as possible via this list or by contacting

In the meantime, please note you are welcome to attend any of the other planned events in the programme including  ones at Manchester Met All Saints campus  Business School BS 1.23 North Atrium (contact C.Netantzi’ on  8th March 11am-1pm and Newcastle Herschel Building 4th Floor Teaching Room 1.on 23 March  2.30-4.30 (contact See the earlier circulated programme for details of other sessions.