Archive by Author

Energising Writers at Edinburgh Napier University

27 Mar

I’ve travelled from snowy Newcastle to snowy Edinburgh today to do a workshop for staff on getting published for Edinburgh Napier University. Getting Published (483 downloads) .

Tomorrow I will be contributing to the programme leaders conference here before setting off home ( snow permitting ) for the Easter weekend.

Article Writing at Anglia Ruskin University

22 Mar

Today I’ve been helping staff improve their success rates at writing journal articles at ARU and the slides and handout I used are here. Getting Published (620 downloads) Edit this! (525 downloads) .
I am also starting a programme of support work with ARU staff preparing for HEA Senior and Principal Fellowships and also National Teaching Fellowships. Thanks to Sharon Waller and colleagues for making me so welcome.

Making leeway for learning at Letterkenny: March 6th and 7th

6 Mar

It’s lovely to be back again in Letterkenny, working strategically with senor management and doing workshops. This time I’m here with my husband Phil, who has been running workshops in parallel.
We’ve been made warmly welcome despite the rather grey and chilly weather. Here are presentations for both my workshops Letterkenny Engaging Adult Learners (702 downloads) , Letterkenny Key Skills (695 downloads) .
You can also see Phil’s workshops at his website:


Warmly received at Waterford

14 Feb

Here are the slides I used in my workshop on the 14th. What's hot in higher education? (655 downloads)

Welcomed back to Waterford IT, Ireland

13 Feb

Here are the slides I used in my workshops on 13th February. WIT Intercultural Communication (557 downloads) ,   WIT Preparing for your viva (542 downloads) , WIT Writing for Journals (690 downloads) Thanks to Roisin Shanahan for making me so welcome.

Delivering at DCU

31 Jan

On Thursday 31st January I am delivering a keynote on transformative assessment in the morning and a workshop on fostering engagement through assessment in the afternoon. These are the slides used. DCU Keynote (752 downloads) , DCU Workshop (671 downloads)

Let’s get writing at Liverpool John Moores

21 Jan

Tomorrow I am starting a 24 hour residential workshop with Sport staff at Liverpool John Moores University. They won a university prize for achievement and decided to spend the money on improving their publications track records. I will be using similar handouts to those I used on 25th September last year (see previous posts) but I will also be using this  new workshop task Edit this (515 downloads) . Here are the slides I used Liverpool slides (666 downloads) .  I hope you enjoy looking at how many errors you can see in this and suggesting how you would improve the text!

Learning and Teaching at Liverpool

17 Jan

I’m back at Liverpool John Moores University today where I am working with staff on programme level assessment and differentiation. The slides are here. LJMU keynote (551 downloads) , LJMU prog level assessment (570 downloads) .Thanks to Clare Milsom and
Sarah Nixon for inviting me to the LJMU learning and teaching conference where I am also talking to prospective ntfs applicants.

Articulating assessment at UAL

16 Jan

Today I am giving a keynote at the University of the Arts, London on effective and inclusive assessment, plus two workshops on fair assessment and assessing groups. The slides for the sessions are here. UAL keynote (764 downloads) , UAL fairness (825 downloads) , UAL group work (670 downloads) .
Incidentally if you watched Utopia last night, you might be pleased to know that the producer is my niece Rebekka Wray-Rogers.

Scholarship at SRHE Conference, Newport

12 Dec

I am today giving a further presentation about the Assimilate Project at the Society for Research in Higher Education Conference at Newport, and my slides for the presentation are here. SRHE slides (608 downloads) . I am learning a great deal from the other presentations, particularly a striking analysis of higher education futures by Howard Hotson of the University of Oxford, entitled ‘Big Business at the Heart of the System: Understanding the Global University Crisis’. I am also introducing my new role as Series Editor for the new learning and teaching series with Palgrave Press.