Archive by Author

From Sheffield to Aberystwyth

19 Feb

Today I am speaking to Sheffield University’s Springboard Women’s Development Programme about my life and career. My advice to them will include:

When things go wrong:

  • get back on the bike and keep going (learned from my father who came back from WW2 a paraplegic and was made ambulant again by his mother, a Swedish physiotherapist, pushing him off on a bike downhill until he fell off, to build up his leg muscles);
  • Don’t be afraid to jump out of the window (derived from the film The Black Narcissus);
  • Remember that the boldest acts are sometimes the safest (derived from a statue by the Thames of a general of the British Army)

Tomorrow I will be at Aberystwyth University talking about my masters level assessment project The slides are here  M Level: Aberystwyth (587 downloads)

At Anglia Ruskin – and beyond

29 Jan

This week I am working again at Anglia Ruskin University on Wednesday doing a Teachmeet session alongside Mark Schofield of Edge Hill University. I am leading a short session on ‘fifteen things you can do to really cheese students off around assessment (and some things you can do to stop doing them) Teachmeet: how to cheese off students (508 downloads) and a session on Thursday for their Performing Arts and Media staff on assessment   Assessment slides (1121 downloads) before heading off to South Bank University on Friday for their HEA Fellowships panel.
I’m really excited about being invited to a conference in Chile in July.  Any one got any useful tips on what to do in Santiago and where to visit?  please send to

Learning and teaching this week

22 Jan

This Monday I spent a fascinating hour being trained to be an NTFS reviewer. Not only was it fascinating hearing about the HEA current system but it was also very interesting to be trained alongside about 40 others using Elluminate  virtual processes. Sitting alongside Phil, a fellow trainee in our study we were talked through the slides, could ask and hear responses to questions and communicate with fellow trainees. I’ve used Elluminate meetings before but once again it made me wonder why we don’t use this kind of training more often.
On Friday I am working with colleagues at Sunderland university on achieving all four levels of HEA Fellowship. It’s great to work so near home on a Friday when I can travel on my Metro Gold Card!

Keeping up momentum on Masters level education at Kitley Hall

17 Jan

Yesterday and today I am working at Kitley Hall in Devon with staff at Plymouth University who are contributing to the new Palgrave book that Pauline Kneale is editing (with a little help from me) on Masters level teaching, learning and assessment.

Keeping assessment discussions live at Keele

15 Jan

Today is Keele’s Learning and Teaching Conference focusing on assessment and I am contributing a keynote as well as joining in the discussions on the day. Here are the slides for my keynote: Keele Keynote (1226 downloads) .
Keele is one of eight universities taking part in the HEA initiative to improve assessment systemically across institutions. the associated publication ‘A marked improvement ‘ is available on their website which contains valuable resources including a valuable audit tool to enable HEIs and departments to scrutinise and enhance assessment. Here is the link:



Happy New Year to friends and colleagues

8 Jan

Yesterday and today I have been working at Anglia Ruskin University discussing responses to problematic NSS  scores with colleagues. Tomorrow I am meeting with colleagues from the HEA ‘a marked improvement ‘ project to discuss future developments.

On Monday I had to practically carry my granddaughter back from her first morning back at nursery as she was so tired after relaxing in the holidays and today I know just how she feels!

Assessment at Anglia Ruskin University

18 Dec

Today I am working at Anglia Ruskin University Business School, exploring how assessment can enhance learning. Here are the slides I’ve used (without the pictures) Assessment keynote (1423 downloads)
This will be my last formal presentation this year, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all colleagues who share my ideas on teaching, learning and particularly assessment (and indeed those who disagree with me on some aspects of pedagogy!) Phil and I will be home enjoying  a family Christmas and expect to be out on the road again in early January.

Challenging Assessment Assumptions at CEUT

13 Dec

This year once again I’ve been working on the Centre for University Excellent Teaching Programme for middle managers at Utrecht University. I’ve been working on this programme most years for around 15 years, and it was fascinating at yesterdays Senior Management Discussion on assessment strategy how many colleagues had completed the programme over the years, and have now reached Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) status. Congratulations, Hetty, Theo and colleagues for consistently running a great programme over the years. Thanks to today’s participants for engaging in such productive dialogues about assessment. The slides for today’s session are here. Assessing for Learning (1697 downloads)

Understanding Assessment at Utrecht University

11 Dec

Here are the main slides I used in my workshop on Masters Level Assessment on 11th December Masters Level Utrecht (579 downloads) .

Here also are the main slides I will use in my keynote on Assessment for Learning on 12th December. Assessment for Learning Utrecht (1461 downloads) .

Learning Matters in Luxembourgh

4 Dec

Today and tomorrow, Phil and I are working with colleagues at the University of Luxembourg on learning and teaching matters. The slides for our joint keynote are here: Joint keynote (524 downloads) .

My slides for tomorrow are posted up in advance here: Luxembourg Small Groups (612 downloads) , Luxembourg Assessment for learning (1336 downloads)