From Sheffield to Aberystwyth
19 Feb
Today I am speaking to Sheffield University’s Springboard Women’s Development Programme about my life and career. My advice to them will include:
When things go wrong:
- get back on the bike and keep going (learned from my father who came back from WW2 a paraplegic and was made ambulant again by his mother, a Swedish physiotherapist, pushing him off on a bike downhill until he fell off, to build up his leg muscles);
- Don’t be afraid to jump out of the window (derived from the film The Black Narcissus);
- Remember that the boldest acts are sometimes the safest (derived from a statue by the Thames of a general of the British Army)
Tomorrow I will be at Aberystwyth University talking about my masters level assessment project The slides are here M Level: Aberystwyth (587 downloads)