Archive by Author

Sunny day at South Bank

21 May

Today’s sessions at South Bank University were explaining the NTFS application process  (slides here: South Bank (635 downloads) ) and acting as external to their ACHIEVE scheme awarding UKPSF Fellowships. Thanks to Ruth Brown and Tom Hall for making me so welcome.

Conversations in Carmarthen

13 May

Today in Carmarthen, Trinity St David University of Wales.  I will be working with university and college staff on a whole day thinking about assessment. My slides are here. Trinity, Carmarthen (1156 downloads) . It’s a long way from Newcastle but well worth the journey. I’m flying home on Wednesday and then getting excited about the SEDA conference in Newcastle on Thursday and Friday where I will be presenting some of my thoughts on global pedagogies, drawing on the 35 good practice accounts from round the world I am including in my new book for Palgrave due out in February next year.

East Anglian Adventures

5 May

This week I am working at Anglia Ruskin’s campuses in Chelmsford and Cambridge, running sessions on applying for National Teaching Fellowships, on Inspiring Teaching (slides here) Inspiring teaching (608 downloads) and as part of the Strategic Assessment initiative I am undertaking with Margaret Price,  developing further the HEA  ‘Marked Improvement’  project we worked on together. ARU slides (1149 downloads)
For the rest fo the week I am taking part in the FloCulture Away day (FloCulture is an arts and evacuation enterprise with which I am involved) and aiming in the next two weeks to finish and send off the manuscript for my latest book, with Palgrave, for whom I am series editor on ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment: ‘Global perspectives’. In the last stages of the book, I am particularly excited by my 35 good practice accounts from six continents which provide real richness to my text. It will be out in February 2015: thanks particularly to Phil for his editorial and text management  support. Once my book is sent off, I then become his research assistant as he works on the fourth edition of ‘The Lecturers Toolkit’ for Routledge.

Another busy week…

28 Apr

On Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th April I am at the Association of National Teaching Fellows conference at Birmingham, networking with friends and colleagues and running a session on re-purposing dissertations for publication From Dissertation to Publications (515 downloads) , and also talking about my book for Palgrave on Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Global Perspectives,  which is just about to go to press in three  weeks, and will be published in February 2015.

On Wednesday 30th April I am working again at Anglia Ruskin University on their strategic initiatives with Margaret Price to improve assessment and feedback.
On Thursday I am recording family history memories with FloCulture  in Newcastle as part of their  MemoryBox  project, and on Friday I am starting new Spanish classes (and of course, at the same time, working hard to finish my book!).

Conversations in sunny Spain!

21 Apr

After a lovely weekend at home with the family, this week Phil and I are working with colleagues at the University of Segovia and Valladolid in Spain as part of our work with their network on formative assessment in higher education on publishing in journals. Our handouts in Spanish and English are here.  Publishing in Journals 1 (Eng) (541 downloads) ,  Publishing in Journals 2 (Eng) (512 downloads) .   Spanish handout 1 (599 downloads) , Spanish handout 2 (533 downloads) and here are the slides we used Sally's slides (637 downloads)

Here are the slides which Graham Webb used Graham Webb's presentation (555 downloads) .

We are also doing a session on current trends in higher education, for which the handout is here  International trends (536 downloads)


Masters Level Assessment at Edinburgh Napier University

16 Apr

After a great trip to the rural Netherlands for a wedding this weekend and prior to a trip next week to work at universities in Segovia and Valladolid  in Spain next week I am today working at Edinburgh Napier on Masters level assessment: the slides I am using are here Napier M-level (516 downloads)   After that a peaceful Easter at home with the family, with Dutch asparagus, chocolate, flowers, beer, fruit…..( good job we took the car!)

Managing change in universities

2 Apr

Today I met with departmental learning and teaching chairs and others at Roehampton University talking about ways of managing change. Here are the slides I used. Roehampton (567 downloads) .

Another busy week!

24 Mar

On Tuesday 24th, Phil and I are helping with HEA Fellowship panels at South Bank University.
On Wednesday I will be meeting colleagues from Palgrave press to discuss the Learning and Teaching series I edit for them, and particularly my own book on global perspectives in higher education teaching and learning. I will also meet a representative from Assessment Management System Livetext.
On Thursday I fly to Dublin to support the AISHE event on Repurposing your Masters or Doctoral Thesis for publication. The handout I am using is  here. AISHE handout (571 downloads) . You may also find it really useful to think about the thoughts which Patrick Dunleavy has made available on the web from his Palgrave books, some of which are collected here on ‘titles, chapter starts and abstracts’ Titles, starts, and abstracts (585 downloads) .

On the train to London I was responding to THES series of Tweets about about how many UK and international HEIs I’ve visited: currently my count is 109 UK HEIs and 75 international ones but I keep remembering more! I bet Graham  Gibbs could beat that total though!

Keele keynote

6 Mar

In January I spoke at the Keele Assessment Conference. You might like to see a short video of me talking about assessment made at the event.


Improving the Postgraduate Student Experience

27 Feb

It’s exciting today to be part of the launch at Kingston University of Michelle Morgan’s £2m HEFCE project exploring Post Graduate Student Experiences. The project involves nine UK universities and will last two years. I am contributing as part of the steering group, in part because of my experience running my NTFS  project on Masters Level Assessment.  Michelle’s project has the potential to really enhance learning at Postgrad level.
Here are my slides on Postgraduate Issues Pg Issues (585 downloads)