East Anglian Adventures

5 May

This week I am working at Anglia Ruskin’s campuses in Chelmsford and Cambridge, running sessions on applying for National Teaching Fellowships, on Inspiring Teaching (slides here) Inspiring teaching (600 downloads) and as part of the Strategic Assessment initiative I am undertaking with Margaret Price,  developing further the HEA  ‘Marked Improvement’  project we worked on together. ARU slides (1143 downloads)
For the rest fo the week I am taking part in the FloCulture Away day (FloCulture is an arts and evacuation enterprise with which I am involved) and aiming in the next two weeks to finish and send off the manuscript for my latest book, with Palgrave, for whom I am series editor on ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment: ‘Global perspectives’. In the last stages of the book, I am particularly excited by my 35 good practice accounts from six continents which provide real richness to my text. It will be out in February 2015: thanks particularly to Phil for his editorial and text management  support. Once my book is sent off, I then become his research assistant as he works on the fourth edition of ‘The Lecturers Toolkit’ for Routledge.