Archive by Author

Sunshine and stimulating conversations with Plymouth University

25 Nov

After a cracking day at the Inclusive Assessment conference run by PeDRIO with Plymouth University on Monday, I am working today with Nursing and Social Work colleagues on ‘Enhancing  the student experience’ and ;Streamlining assessment’.   The slides are available here. Streamlining Assessment slides (832 downloads) , Enhancing student experience: slides (611 downloads) .Who would have thought we could be eating the buffet lunch on a sunny balcony without coats in mid-November as we did yesterday!

Inclusive Assessment in Plymouth

24 Nov

Brilliant sunshine today at Plymouth University’s ‘Inclusive Assessment  in Practice’ conference, where I am running a session on ‘Inclusive International assessment’. The slides and handout I’m using are here. International Assessment slides (502 downloads) , International Assessment handout (504 downloads) .  It’s always a pleasure to come and participate at events at the University that gave me and Phil Honorary Doctorates on a similarly sunny but much warmer day last year.

ARU: Further thoughts on feedback

20 Nov

On 20 and 21 November I will be running workshops a at the Chelmsford and Cambridge campuses of Anglia Ruskin University as part of the ongoing ‘Transforming Assessment project, concentrating today specifically on feedback. Here are the slides I am using. ARU slides (624 downloads)

Launching in Nottingham

15 Nov

This week I was delighted to launch my book Assessment, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Global Perspectives at the SEDA conference.   Thanks so much to Amanda for supporting the event and to contributing colleagues for joining me to celebrate the book as well as the new Palgrave Teaching and Learning website which I am curating. I am particularly grateful to Suzannah Burywood and Helen Caunce of Palgrave for all their support (and for paying for the fizz at the event), to Hala Mansour for travelling  all the way from Northampton by train for the launch, to Maidie Semiras of Heavenly Cupcakes in Nottingham for making the  brilliant cake and to Phil Race.

Learning, teaching and assessment in Luxembourg

6 Nov

On Thursday 6 November and Friday 7th November I am working again at the University of Luxembourg on assessment and evaluating& enhancing your own teaching. I’m looking forward to visiting again and hoping for better weather than the wintry storms that prevented us getting out into the Christmas markets on our last visit. Here are the slides and handouts I am using. Improving student assessment (986 downloads)    Evaluating and enhancing teaching (678 downloads)    Assess your own teaching quality (509 downloads)    Assessment good practice accounts (622 downloads)    Critical comparison of assessment types (527 downloads)    Feedback handout from book (540 downloads)    Peer observation handout (488 downloads)    Planning and reflecting on your teaching (488 downloads)

I am very excited about launching my new book ‘Assessment, learning and teaching in Higher Education: Global Perspectives’ on Thursday 13th November at the SEDA conference at 7pm   at the NCTL Learning and Conference Centre in Nottingham. Friends and colleagues are invited to come along for some celebratory cake if you are in the area.

Glad that my website is now up and running again after a temporary issue with ‘a permissions error’ on a system fie – many thanks Ed Phillips for sorting it out really quickly.

Supporting South Bank University

24 Oct

I’ve been working today with colleagues at London South Bank University supporting colleagues thinking about applying for National Teaching Fellowships and going for  Principal Fellowships. The slides are here. South Bank (635 downloads) , UKPSF slides (635 downloads)

A cause for celebration

22 Oct

I am celebrating today receiving the advance copy of my new book. I will be launching it at the SEDA conference on Thursday 13th November at 7pm. Do come along for wine and cakes if you are in the area. the NCTL Learning and Confernece Centrre, Nottingham.

In the background is an orchid I am also proud of, it’s in its fifth year of (2)

Assessing Group Work at ARU

17 Oct

Here are the slides I used in my workshop today at ARU on Assessing Group Work Fairly. ARU Group Work (551 downloads)

Animated about Assessment at Anglia Ruskin

17 Sep

Today Phil and I together with Kate Little of NUS, Berry Donovan of Oxford Brookes, Kay Sambell of Northumbria and Fabio d’Arico  of UEA are presenting at Anglia Ruskin’s Assessment Fiesta at their bucolic Chelmsford campus. My slides on group assessment are  here and the twitter hash tag is #LTAFiesta  Small Groups (557 downloads)

Sally’s email addresses

9 Sep

At the moment there is disruption to the Leeds Met / Leeds Beckett email systems.

At the moment the leedsmet account still works at  and the leedsbeckett one below does not work 

In case of any problems, please use my webmail address  here