Archive by Author

Discussing M-level Assessment at Durham

31 May

Today, the second of the five workshops I am running on my NTFS project to improve M-level assessment was at Durham University. The slides and the instrument for reviewing assessment are here. Masters Level Assessment slides (579 downloads) , Masters level workbook (732 downloads) . Thanks to Ray Land and Heather Booth for making everything run so smoothly.
The remaining workshops are as follows:
  • South of England: at University of Chichester, Bognor campus, Thursday 20th June.
  • Northern Ireland: at University of Ulster, Coleraine, Friday June 21st.
  • Wales: University of South Wales, at Pontypridd, Friday 5th July.
Contact me for more details of how to book  a place. All of these workshops are free, supported by the HEA.

Refreshing Assessment at Regent’s University, London

29 May

Today, Phil and I are working at Regent’s University, contributing to a day lead by Assia Rolls, on maximising the potential of assessment and feedback. The slides I’ve used on streamlining assessment and masters’ level assessment are here streamlining assessment (525 downloads) , M level assessment (517 downloads) . See Phil’s website for his slides on ‘assessment as learning’ (
Phil and I particularly enjoyed hearing inputs from staff at Regent’s University, where they shared examples of good practice. Thanks to Azam Ali, Winfred Mfuh and John Diamondopoulos, Darren Cullen, Anabel Gutierrez and Chris Rowell, and Chris Pickford.

Masters level workshops for the Assimilate Project

26 May

On Thursday 23rd May I led the first of the five workshops I am running on my NTFS project to improve M-level assessment. Thursday’s workshop was at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. The slides and the instrument for reviewing assessment are here. Masters Level Assessment slides (579 downloads) , Masters level workbook (732 downloads) .
The next workshops are as follows:
  • North of England: at Durham University, Friday 31st May.
  • South of England: at University of Chichester, Bognor campus, Thursday 20th June.
  • Northern Ireland: at University of Ulster, Coleraine, Friday June 21st.
  • Wales: University of South Wales, at Pontypridd, Friday 5th July.
Contact me for more details of how to book  a place. All of these workshops are free, supported by the HEA.

Postgraduate Perspectives

14 May

Today I am doing a keynote on enhancing the postgraduate experience at Kingston University as part of the dissemination of Michelle Morgan’s excellent project in the area. Thanks to Michelle and Lesley Jane Eales-Reynolds for making me so welcome.  The slides I am using are here. Enhancing Postgraduate Experience (563 downloads) . Colleagues interested in masters level assessment might also like to use the new work pack for PG programme leaders designed to help you productively interrogate your assessment practice at M-level which can be found here Masters Level Assessment work pack (490 downloads) .

Flying South then heading East

8 May

This week, after a lovely sunny Bank Holiday, I am working at Portsmouth University on Wednesday, running sessions on Masters Level assessment and leading change in higher education: the slides are here: Masters level assessment (541 downloads) , Leadership (559 downloads) .

On Thursday I will start a series of workshops at Anglia Ruskin University where I will be helping staff work towards Senior Fellowship and Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, and encouraging staff to think about applying for National Teaching Fellowships.

Phil and I are looking forward immensely to catching up with colleagues at the ‘SEDA@20’ conference and symposium in Leeds on 17th and 18th May, and also the glitzy ‘SEDA@20’ celebration dinner on the Saturday night.

Collegiality in Cork

2 May

Following an excellent Association of National Teaching Fellows symposium in York earlier this week I am now working once again at Cork Institute of Technology  supporting their student retention initiatives with workshops and senior staff meetings. The slides I am using are here (without the pictures). Thanks to Marese Bermingham for welcoming me here once more.   First six weeks (550 downloads) , masters level (525 downloads) , assessing large groups (586 downloads) .

Supporting Assessment Practices in Spain

18 Apr

Phil and I are this week in Valladolid and Segovia in Spain working with colleagues from the Spanish formative assessment network. These slides in English and Spanish are the ones I’m using in both cities. We are also helping colleagues in Segovia preparing articles for publication  in English language journals. Valladolid (1099 downloads)
You can also go to Phil’s site for more detail about his work on self- and peer-assessment, and for some slides in Spanish of a presentation about the seven factors underpinning successful learning from an event in Cartagena two years ago.

Focusing on Enhancement at the London College of Fashion

12 Apr

Today I am working at the London College of Fashion, part of the  University of the Arts, with Teaching Technicians on enhancing teaching and learning support. Always difficult to know what to wear at fashion schools! Here are the slides I am using (without the images): London College of Fashion (585 downloads) . Here are the slides on ‘learning outcomes’ too Learning outcomes (608 downloads) .

Leadership Learning in Aalborg

9 Apr

Today Phil and I have returned to work again in Aalborg University, Denmark where Phil has been working with staff on ‘Making learning happen’ and I today ran a workshop on Leadership in Higher Education, for which the slides can be found here. Aalborg Leadership (523 downloads) . Thanks to Lone Krogh and colleagues for making us so welcome. They like us have had a long cold winter but today the sun is shining warmly so all is well in the state of Denmark!

Energising Programme Leaders at Edinburgh Napier University

28 Mar

Today I offered a keynote at the programme leadership conference then attended two useful workshops before leading an interactive plenary. The participants working in four teams (students, senior managers, quality assurers and programme team members) role played contributors to the work of the Evil  Emperor (me) offering advice on how to make the programme leaders’ lives as difficult as possible before ‘spies’ for the forces of good offered advice ( the reverse of the earlier advice) to each constituency on how to help programme leaders. It was a lot of fun but raised lots of serious issues too! Here are the main slides from my keynote Edinburgh Programme Leaders Keynote (670 downloads) .