Archive by Author

Criteria, consensus and cats

29 Jul

participantsToday is our last day working in Chile before flying home to ( I hope) sunny England tomorrow.  Here are my today’s slides making a difference (2273 downloads)  for my workshop on assessment where we will be talking all morning about making a difference through assessment. For those who did not win the booklet about assessment at Masters level, which was awarded as a prize for the best drawing of a cat, here is the booklet as a pdf file The Prize (606 downloads) .

Thanks to Magdalena Jars and all the team for making us so welcome here. We’ve had a terrific time ! And on Thursday  if planes are on time we will see our grandchildren!

Choosing to change Assessment in Chile

28 Jul

photoToday is the conference keynote I am giving at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile. And here I am ready to present on ‘assessment for learning’   And here are my slides.

Assessment for Learning: Chile (746 downloads)

Here also is a link to the article in ‘El Mercurio’ today


Chilling with the chums in Chile

24 Jul

Today is my big day on our trip to Chile and I will be addressing the staff of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile on global perspectives in higher education. The slides to be used are here.   Chile Keynote (646 downloads) 700 people have registered so far and yesterday’s interview with the local paper El Mercurio involved an extended photo call. I could get used to this kind of life!
Phil’s workshop on ‘Making learning happen’ on Wednesday was very well received indeed. This is a university that takes learning and teaching very seriously as shown by the fact that they are the first university in Chile to require new teaching staff to take a learning and teaching programme so no wonder they loved Phil’s take on the HE world!

Further presentations and workshops on assessment follow on Monday and Tuesday before our return home on Wednesday.

Chances, Change, Chilling drama and Chile!

15 Jul

On Monday 14 July I was working again at South Bank University with colleagues applying for Principal Fellowships with the HEA and looking to maximise their  chances long term  of achieving National Teaching Fellowships South Bank (635 downloads) , UKPSF slides (635 downloads) UKPSF grid (547 downloads) . Then I travelled up last night to Milton Keynes to work today  with colleagues at the Open University on their New Models of Assessment and Tuition project. What an honour to be working with the OU on assessment as I cite them worldwide as  an organisation worth emulating for their systematic and holistic approaches to curriculum design, student support and assessment! The slides I used are here: OU Assessment Strategy slides (695 downloads)

And today we speculate on the implications of the cabinet reshuffle and  potential replacements for David Willets who in my view did some dreadful things particularly around the shift from Widening  Participation to Fair Access but at least cared deeply about higher education.

It’s an exciting week for us: last night on Channel 4, Utopia2 produced by my BAFTA-winning niece Bekki Wray Rogers (very proud!) was screened and on Thursday, Phil and I fly to Chile to work with the Catholic University of Santiago. Yippee !

Being Business-like in Nottingham

10 Jul

Today I am working with the senior staff of Nottingham Trent University whose senior staff have all committed to working on their UKPSF Principal Fellowships of the HEA. Today’s sessions are one-to-one follow-ups on the workshop held in June   Well done to the whole group for working so hard on their drafts.

Assessment at Anglia Ruskin

2 Jul

Today and tomorrow I am at the amazing Down Hall in Bishop Stortford working with the faculty of Science and Technology on improving their assessment strategies. The main slides are here: ARU 2 and 3 July (530 downloads)

Fostering Fellowships and Formative Feedback

23 Jun

After a lovely holiday in Portugal  and a quick trip to Brighton (see Twitter feed for picture of me swimming at Hove) this week I am working with Anglia Ruskin and Napier University, advancing Senior and Principal Fellowships of the HEA, and claims for NTFS. I will also be working with ARU colleagues on strategic improvements to assessment. (see presentations for w/b 9th June and earlier). The slides relating to applying for NTFS at ARU are here: NTFS slides ARU (612 downloads)

Phil and I are getting excited about our forthcoming trip to speak at a conference in Santiago in  Chile , departing 17th July! Hasta luego!

Assessment again at Anglia Ruskin

13 Jun

I am working today again at Anglia Ruskin University with Margaret Price of Oxford Brookes, taking forward ARU’s ‘Transforming Assessment’ project. Thanks to everyone who came to work with us this glorious sunny morning. This afternoon we are working with course leaders on their future enhancement plans.

Preparing for Principal Fellowships at Nottingham Trent University

9 Jun

Today I am working at the Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent university where 12 colleagues are working hard writing their Principal Fellowship applications. The slides I am using are here UKPSF slides (635 downloads) as is a diagram of the UKPSF  on a page best printed as A3 in colour UKPSF grid (547 downloads) .

Gorgeous Galway in June

4 Jun

With a particularly beautiful view over Galway Bay visible from the Galway and Mayo Institute of Technology campus, it’s a real pleasure for Phil and I to be here contributing to their Staff Development Week. My workshops are all focusing on aspects of assessment and the slides for all the sessions are here. First Year (502 downloads) , Streamlining (1109 downloads) , Programme level (538 downloads) , Integrating assessment (579 downloads) “If you ever go across the sea to Galway…”