Archive by Author

Sunshine and strategic support at South Bank

16 Apr

I’m working today at London South Bank University running a workshop for senior staff on preparing applications for HEA Principal Fellowships,   UKPSF slides (810 downloads) , grid (651 downloads)  as well as joining the panel to moderate applications at other levels under their internal scheme.

Associating with National Teaching Fellows

31 Mar

It’s great to have a chance this week to have fun and learn plenty at the Association of National Teaching Fellows conference in Birmingham, which is being sponsored by Ede and Ravenscroft, and Playdoh! (am taking an extra large suitcase!)

I am honoured to have been asked to give a keynote on Tuesday, and as the focus of the conference is passion, I am speaking about people, passion, planning and performance. A version of the slides is here, but it only contains the text elements as these might be of interest to people who want the  references. A much bigger (and frankly better) file exists containing pictures of people, furniture and masterpieces, which I am happy to send to colleagues on request.

I am really grateful to ANTF for the opportunity to talk about things about which I really feel passionate.

ANTF slides (546 downloads)

Engaging students in Brighton

25 Mar

I was delighted to be asked to keynote at the University of Sussex Teaching and Learning Conference as well as to run a workshop on masters level teaching and assessment. The slides I’ve used are here. Sussex keynote (562 downloads) , M-level slides (490 downloads)  It’s great to be back in Brighton and to catch up with my son Matt while I am here.

Engaging with Edinburgh Educators

5 Mar

‘Assessing Students in Large Groups’ is the topic for today’s workshop at Edinburgh University where I am working with course organizers and giving them a keynote on this crucial topic. The slides for the session are here, and like all my presentations, are open educational resources.  Edinburgh Slides (640 downloads)

Designing, teaching and assessing taught Masters programmes

27 Feb

On Friday 27 February  I am offering a seminar in the Irish National Forum for the enhancement of teaching and learning in higher education series on the Taught Masters Experience at Carlow Institute of Technology.  It’s great to be back in Ireland again working with colleagues keen to think how they work best with students at this level. My slides for the workshop are here: M-level slides (528 downloads)

Reassessing assessment at Anglia Ruskin University

25 Feb

Today (25 February) I am supporting Nursing colleagues at ARU developing a new curriculum for their students in conjunction with their practice partners, and the slides I am using are here.  ARU Feb 2015 (635 downloads)
My current work on the Anglia Ruskin Transforming Assessment project concludes on Thursday 26th February with a final assessment design intensive with a course team and further support work.

Mastering Masters level programmes at York St John

18 Feb

Wednesday 18th February provides me with an opportunity to return to York St John University where I will be spending the morning running a workshop  on designing, teaching and assessing taught  Masters programmes, then working with teams on aligned topics in the afternoon. My principal slides for the day are here: M level slides (493 downloads)

Crafting an Educational Development strategy at City University

10 Feb

Today as well as running a workshop on applying  for  HEA Principal Fellowships at City University (slides and handout here: UKPSF slides 2015 (749 downloads) ) I spent a really enjoyable afternoon working with colleagues there developing a viable and potentially useful educational development strategy with them. I look forward to seeing the ultimate outcome.
The venue was one of the best venues I have ever run training in: @wallacespace  in Clerkenwell. It had flexible, light colourful rooms, superbly equipped for workshops with a continuous supply of nuts, snacks, biscuits, sweets and hot and cold drinks. Great for collaborative working.

Rewarding and recognising part-time teachers at Plymouth

7 Feb

What a real pleasure it has been working at Plymouth this week encouraging part time academics and learning support staff to apply for Associate Fellowship of the HEA (as well as supporting others going for other levels). As far as I am aware Plymouth is the only university aiming to get high numbers of their Associate Lecturers and learning supporters to get AFHEA accreditation.  Around 55 worked with me this week and seem to be well on the way to doing it. Congratulations to PVC Pauline Kneale for leading this great initiative and to Priska, Lucy and others for running a great, well-formulated accredited scheme.

Associated activity with Plymouth University

3 Feb

This week I am really delighted to be working with Plymouth Associate Lecturers on an intensive week as part of what I believe to be an unique drive to encourage all associate lecturers to achieve Associate Fellowship of the HEA. I will be back again in October running briefing sessions three times a day to familiarise as many as possible part-time staff with the Plymouth scheme requirements. I am also providing one-to-one support for this and other categories of HEA Fellowship as required.  PVC Pauline Kneale and I are very pleased with the turn out!