Archive by Author

‘A marked improvement’ project forum at Birkbeck

10 Sep

Today I’ve been contributing to a core forum for the national HEA project on improving assessment locally and strategically. It’s been great working with colleagues from Teesside, Keele, Edinburgh, Roehampton, Birkbeck, Liverpool, Southampton  and Bucks New Universities.
I’m learning a lot from hearing about how the review and change management tool is being used across the sector.

Perfect weather in Plymouth

5 Sep

Today I’m back in Plymouth with Phil, as part of the curriculum refreshment project, doing two workshops on ‘Academic Induction’ and ‘Planning and delivering short, fat modules’. Here are the slides I used for my workshops. Plymouth short fat modules (642 downloads) , Plymouth Making a good start (631 downloads) . We’ll be back down again in October, doing more workshops. Tomorrow I will be in London at the QAA, for the final steering group meeting for the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, on ‘Assessment of students and the recognition of prior learning’, where we expect to sign off this element of the Code of Practice.

You might like also to see this lovely photo of our granddaughter holding her five-day old baby (10)

Discussions on eAssessment at Dundee

23 Aug

Today Phil and I  are at the excellently organised Scotland eAssessment Conference at Dundee. Here are the handouts I am using in my workshop ‘What’s so special about eAssessment?’ Dundee handout (645 downloads) where I aim to relate the big assessment issues to the eContext. Instead of using a PowerPoint presentation I plan to tweet on my presentation. You can follow me @ProfSallyBrown.#easc13 #discuss@#sb63
Follow this link for an interview that I did with John Johnston, talking with Neil Taylor on Radio Edutalk:


3 Aug

Lovely summer days…making lots of jam with fruit from the garden…playing with grand daughter Poppy….. reading books……and ………writing a new book on assessment, learning and teaching in higher education (how did that happen?!). Contact me on if you are interested in contributing a good practice account.

And  then Edinburgh festival  for a high octane cultural fix…….

Then on 23 August off to the eAssessment conference in Dundee where I will be running a session on ‘What’s so special about eAssessment?’ Watch out for my Twitter feeds on the day @ProfSallyBrown.

Then September…. mostly on hand for the arrival of Poppy’s baby brother (Poppy says he is going to be called Rainbow Carpark!) and some trips to Plymouth, Birkbeck for the ‘Marked Improvement’ project forum, Anglia Ruskin University and  that’s about it!

Perfect weather in Plymouth

17 Jul

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (16th-18th July) this week, Phil and I are working  with Plymouth University on a major curriculum refreshment project and my presentations for all three workshops on induction, refreshing the curriculum and designing short fat modules plus my tool for reviewing assessment  are available to all Plymouth staff via PVC Pauline Kneale’s office.

These are my last workshops this summer, and I am looking forward to a lovely garden summer at home, plus a trip to the Edinburgh Festival.

Final Assimilate workshop: University of South Wales

4 Jul

Today, last of the five workshops I have been running on my NTFS project to improve M-level assessment was at the University of South Wales, Pontypridd.
The slides and the instrument for reviewing assessment are here. Masters Level Assessment slides (578 downloads) , Masters level workbook (731 downloads) .
Contact me should you want me to run a similar workshop at your institution.

Publications Workshop at Peterborough: 3rd July

4 Jul

Here are the slides I used at the Getting Published workshop at Peterborough on the 3rd of July Peterborough College ARU (494 downloads)

A busy week bobbing around in Birmingham, Hull and Cambridge

26 Jun

Phil, Liz McDowell and I presented at the Cumbria University Assessment Conference in Birmingham on 26th June, ‘Making the most of Masters Level assessment’, where we showcased the outcomes of the Assimilate project and related it to the work of the Assessment for learning CETL that Liz McDowell led.  The slides we used are here. Presentation at Birmingham (474 downloads) . Here also is the workbook we issued Masters level workbook (731 downloads) . The compendium can be downloaded as indicated in the slides for the presentation.

On Thursday I was at Hull University  leading workshops on ‘Inspiring Teaching’ Hull slides inspiring (456 downloads) and ‘How can we best support students in transition into university, from level to level and into employment?’ Hull slides (489 downloads) .
On Friday I will again be supporting staff at Anglia Ruskin University who are working towards principal and Senior Fellowships of the HEA.
Good job Phil and I had a lovely holiday in France last week! 

Burgeoning in Bognor and Belfast

20 Jun

Today, the third of the five workshops I am running on my NTFS project to improve M-level assessment was at the University of Chichester, Bognor Campus, and tomorrow the fourth workshop is at the Universisty of Ulster. The slides and the instrument for reviewing assessment are here. Masters Level Assessment slides (578 downloads) , Masters level workbook (731 downloads) .
The final workshop in the series is at the University of South Wales, Pontypridd, on Friday 5th July.
Contact me for more details of how to book  a place. These workshops are free, supported by the HEA.

Downloads now working again

3 Jun

Sorry for those who had trouble downloading files – all should be fine now.