Preeminent conference, Promoting Professorships, Prompting Publications and Perpetual motion
23 Jun
What a fantastic 10 days we’ve got coming up! First of all I’m off to the Assessment in Higher Education Conference in Manchester, the preeminent Higher Education assessment conversation globally : my two presentations are here: AHE-June-2019-improving-assessment-w.pptx (557 downloads) AHE-streamlining-w.pptx (625 downloads)
Then on Thursday night it’s Professor Susan Smith’s professorial inaugural lecture: she is the author of “How to get your PhD through published works“ (Palgrave). Next, the following morning and as part of the associated celebrations, I’m running a workshop at Leeds Beckett University on working towards getting a professorship through the learning and teaching route. The slides are here: Leeds-Beckett-Professorships-28-June-ww.pptx (629 downloads)
Then, via London we are flying to Spain to present at the Spanish Formative Assessment Network’s annual conference at Segovia. I’ve been doing this for several years and it’s always wonderful to work with Spanish colleagues. The slides for my Keynote on assessment, and my joint workshop with Phil on getting published in journals are here: Segovia-ASSESSMENT-july-2019-ww.pptx (582 downloads) GetPublishedSegovia-w.pptx (697 downloads)
Finally we come back on Wednesday night to run a residential workshop on Getting Published on Learning and Teaching for Leeds Beckett University in York: the slides are here: Leeds-Beckett-Wrting-residentail-July-2019-w.pptx (530 downloads)
What a hectic fortnight, but after a very quiet few weeks over Easter it’s nice to be busy. After this though it will be nice to be a bit quieter again! Two more gigs before the summer holidays and then the summer stretches ahead of us.
Incidentally for anyone who missed it, here is a link to my Wonkhe article on some ways in which assessment excellence could contribute to the UK TEF:
And by the way I was delighted this week to be awarded a #lthechat Golden Tweeter award for my contributions to championing and contributing to the #LTHEchat.