All compass points this week
3 Jun
“I have many miles to go before I sleep and promises to keep” (Robert Frost, ‘Stopping by woods on a snowy evening’)
“I would walk 500 miles” (The Proclaimers)
Starting out from home in the North East on Sunday, Phil and I will be presenting at the Solstice Conference at Edge Hill University in the North West on Monday and Tuesday. My handout for my workshop on bidding for grant funding is here: Solstice-workshop-handouts-June-2017-w.docx (604 downloads)
I am delighted to say that this week I have had the great news that I have been appointed Visiting Professor at Edge Hill University, where I alongside Phil will be contributing to the work of the Centre for Learning and Teaching at the University for the next two years, so we expect to be celebrating while we are there.
Then we fly south down to Southampton for an event organised at Bournemouth University by Debby Holley and Kirsten Hardie around teaching excellence and encouraging people to apply for National Teaching Fellowships, in my capacity as chair of the Association of National Teaching Fellows. My slides for my sessions on NTF and getting Published are here. GetPublishedBournemouth-w.pptx (723 downloads) NTF-Bournemouth-June-2017-w.pptx (679 downloads)
And the it’s on a plane north again to Edinburgh for Dundee’s learning and Teaching conference where I will be keynoting on ‘Supporting student transition and engagement through effective feedback and assessment’ and running a workshop on ‘Making assessment more effective and efficient’ Dundee-Assess4TransitionEnhancement-w.pptx (560 downloads) effectiveefficient-assessment-Dundee-June-2017-w.pptx (582 downloads)
Then we will be on the train south again to Newcastle for Phil’s birthday weekend garden party.
So lots of miles, and lots of promises hopefully kept!