Authentic Assessment in August

13 Aug

Here we are nearly a whole year after we posted our piece on ‘Writing better assignments in the Post-Covid19 era: approaches to good task design’ on August 17th, 2020, since when we’ve refined our approach further and collected many examples of excellent practice to be found in our compendia and guest posts. Many have asked us to talk about work and have helped us to find contributors to illustrate our approach. We are delighted therefore to post today our third compendium Episode Three: Authenticity Strikes Back!  Compendium-Three-ww.docx (2333 downloads)
The photo here is a still from the video we posted as part of the Advance HE torches relay event, that is bringing together creative ideas on assessment from around the world.
Our next steps will include an article bringing together the theory underpinning our approach which might be useful for colleagues on PGCert and similar courses (available soon) plus workshops and keynotes in Hong Kong and Yorkshire and a global webinar in the ‘Transforming Assessment’ webinar  (ASCILITE e-Assessment SIG) led by Mathew Hillier of Macquarie University Sydney, Australia.
Meanwhile we are still both individually and collectively enjoying family, fun and fruitfulness (it’s now full-on jam-making season) so plenty to keep us busy.