Cracking down after Easter
9 Apr
After a great break featuring many Easter Egg hunts and much fun despite the terrible weather, it’s back to work this week, with me returning to Edinburgh Napier for another workshop with the Health and Social care team on assessment, my slides are here: Edinburgh-Napier-HSC-12th-April-2018-w.pptx (470 downloads) . A link to the biscuits game is here: Biscuit-game.docx (618 downloads)
I’m looking forward in the following week to working with the Law School at Manchester University. Slides and handout here: GetPublishedManchester-w.pptx (501 downloads) AssessFeedbackManchester17th-April-2018-w.pptx (509 downloads) grid-2017-w.docx (616 downloads)
Then on to Plymouth for their amazing seventh annual Pedrio conference where I will be talking again about the work on international perspectives on assessment that Kay Sambell and I are currently working on. For the event details, see It might still be possible to book a place there!