Writing myself out of a job

6 Apr

Today is my last day of working on the University of Sheffield teSS Scholarship circle project, with staff aiming to get their work about teaching and learning published. Today we are discussing refining one’s own written style and language, coping with rejection, finding an authentic voice and developing personal strategies for publication. The handouts I am using are here. teSS-handout-Thurs-6-April-v2.doc (514 downloads)   teSS-Scholarship-Circle-Evaluation-and-feedback.docx (446 downloads)   Edit-this.docx (408 downloads)
It’s been a real pleasure to work with colleagues over a six-month period and seeing a significant amount of growth both of confidence and of capability. A feature of the workshops is that colleagues attending have been getting to know each other better and plan to write together in the future. It is of course what I’m supposed to be doing,  that is writing myself out of a job by building colleagues’ own self efficacy!