Back to work in York
22 Apr
After a delightful Easter beak with a nice mixture of desk work and leisure (a high spot of which was going to the gardens at Howick hall, just south of Craster, home of Earl Grey, with a lovely tea room where you can drink his tea, it’s back to work this week with workshops at York St John University on ‘Assessment to support retention & engagement’ and ‘Inspiring teaching’, the slides for which are here: Assess4retentionYSJ-April17-w.pptx (506 downloads) Inspiring-teaching-YSJApril2017-w.pptx (530 downloads)
Networking with NTFs
We had a terrific NTF symposium in Aston on April 10th-11th, and we follow this in May with our open conference at Leeds Beckett University on May 10th.
This event will enable NTFs both to showcase the excellent practice that helped us gain our awards in the first place, and to give our non-NTF colleagues presenting alongside us opportunities to build evidence of their own innovative practice which could be helpful for future NTF applications. The day will provide three strands of participatory workshops, as well as NTF-led keynotes and panels.
The delegate rate for this event to include coffee, tea and buffet lunch is again £80 and booking closes on May 3rd.
If you want to come along, please book via this link:
ANTF Symposium: Teaching Excellence – Building Bridges –