Innovations in international contexts
13 Jun
This week sees me and Phil clocking up some miles and having the opportunity to learn from colleagues in Spain, the Netherlands and the UK, and next week we will be in Ireland too. On Wednesday I will be working at the Universitat de Vic outside Barcelona, contributing to their ‘Formative and shared assessment’ project and taking part in their International Workshop on higher education. (Slides and handout here:
20-assess-propositions-in-6-pages-fn.docx (714 downloads)
UVicBarcalona-Assess4focus-and-achievement-w.pptx (850 downloads)
On Friday I will be working with my longstanding good colleagues at Utrecht University, working on their programme for pedagogic leaders on issues around assessment and internationalization (slides and workshop task are here:
Inclusive-assessment-workshop-task-Utrecht-w.docx (712 downloads)
International-Utrecht-2016-w-without-pict.pptx (843 downloads)
And to finish the week, on Saturday I am at Leicester contributing to the Open University’s staff development event focusing on pedagogic matters, with a lead session on Teaching and Learning in the 21st century; trends, tendencies and tentative steps towards enhancement
OU-Trends-June-2016-w.pptx (716 downloads)
Yes I know that is a silly schedule, but aren’t we lucky to be allowed to contribute in this way.