Reading, Manchester and reading

19 Jan

On 19th January, Phil and I are delighted to be working with staff and students at Reading University’s Assessment and Feedback conference  I am particularly looking forward to working with RUSU’s Niall Hamilton in conversazione on assessment matters as well as jointly keynoting (twice) with Phil, and running my own workshop on assessing group work fairly. My presentations for the day are here and I also enclose the Egg Game I am using in the afternoon session.  Reading-prog-level-assess-w-1.pptx (726 downloads)   Egg game handout (786 downloads)    Reading-group-work-Jan-2016-w.pptx (590 downloads)

On Thursday I am working with Manchester University colleagues on Recognising and Rewarding Teaching Excellence together with a workshop on working towards Fellowships of the HEA, the slides and handout for which are here.  Manchester-teaching-excellence-2016-w.pptx (971 downloads)   UKPSF slides (796 downloads) , grid (635 downloads)

Thirdly I attach here the response of the Association of National Teaching Fellows to the Green Paper on Teaching Excellence which we hope will usefully contribute to the debate and that colleagues will enjoy reading.  CANTF-TEFConsultation-Response-FINAL.docx (677 downloads)