Fellowship in February

16 Feb

Much of the last fortnight has been spent helping Laura Ritchie and her fellow National Teaching Fellows’ Symposium organisers finalise arrangements for  the NTF Symposium  which is being held on March 21-22  at the Burlington MacDonald hotel in Birmingham on the topic of ‘Serious play: playful learning’.  Although only NTFs can register for the first day, the second day is open to other colleagues  and you are warmly invited to register.

The Symposium begins  on 21st March with registration from 9:30 am and the programme begins at 10.00 am.
Non NTFs who register for Day 2 pay £60 for the one day.
Day 2 programme begins at 9:30 am and ends at 5.00 pm
The  registration link for NTFs is at
And the one for non-NTFs:
This week I am returning to Edinburgh University to run workshops on Assessing large groups and on Masters level teaching and assessment and my slides are here:  Edinburgh-assess-large-gps-w.pptx (772 downloads)   M-level-Designing-teaching-and-assess-Edinburgh-2016-w.pptx (563 downloads)
From there I will be travelling  to London South Bank University to support their Achieve HEA Fellowships moderating panel and then  down to Southampton for a meeting re ANTF international directions.
It’s nice to be busy but I have really enjoyed the largely home-based last fortnight where (among other things) I have really been enjoying getting down to writing chapters for the book I am co-authoring with Kay Sambell and Linda Graham of the University of Northumbria on Engaging students and staff in effective university learning.