Masters Assessment: York
3 Jul
Thanks to all my participants at my masters level assessment workshop in York based on my NTFS Assimilate project. Here are the slides: Masters Level Assessment (582 downloads)
3 Jul
Thanks to all my participants at my masters level assessment workshop in York based on my NTFS Assimilate project. Here are the slides: Masters Level Assessment (582 downloads)
30 Jun
Thanks to everyone who attended my workshop on Masters level assessment at Queens University Belfast. I very much enjoyed and learned from the presentations by fellow presenters also.
It was a ‘challenging’ journey home: you might have seen news coverage of the terrible weather in the North East of England on Thursday night which was largely centred on the suburbs where I live.! Still we didn’t quite need to build an ark!
Here are the slides I used in my presentation (without the cakes!) QUB Masters Workshop (668 downloads)
14 Jun
I’ve been working today with colleagues in the Department of Sport and Exercise Science at Sunderland University (an easy trip on the Metro from home) on ‘Refreshing the Curriculum’ prior to re-validation and review. They are a really committed and student-centred team, and they participated actively in an energetic and demanding morning. The bacon sandwiches were jolly good too. Here are the slides we used. Sunderland (560 downloads)
12 Jun
Phil and I have had a superb and productive visit to NCI, arriving on Phil’s birthday. We contributed to NCI’s ‘Assessment and Feedback Innovation’ event with a great bunch of people. Here are the main slides I used in my presentation NCI (702 downloads) . And here are the slides relating to the afternoon tasks Afternoon tasks (629 downloads)
20 May
I’m flying to Belfast on Monday 21st May to work at Letterkenny IT in Ireland on Tuesday and Wednesday, then driving down to work at Waterford IT on Thursday, Cork IT on Friday and then home to Newcastle for the weekend. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. I’m doing workshops on assessment, Refreshing your curriculum, Internationalisation, Retention and promoting excellent teaching. My presentations will be posted on this website after each event. Letterkenny (579 downloads) , Transition, WIT (675 downloads) , Refreshing Curriculum WIT (619 downloads) . Internationalisation handout WIT (669 downloads) , and slides for May 25th: Excellent Teaching Cork IT (646 downloads) , Retention and Student Experience Cork IT (607 downloads) .
18 May
Earlier this week Phil and I attended a very lively Association of National Teaching Fellows symposium in York, where we collectively initiated a promising book proposal. Yesterday and today we are at the SEDA May Conference in Chester, where Janice Priestley, Tim Deignan and I gave a presentation on our Masters Level Assessment Project ‘Assimilate’. Here are our slides SEDA Conference (976 downloads) .
11 May
Having just got a PhD myself by this route and learned a lot along the way, I am now offering universities the opportunity to enable groups of staff to work with me over around a year or so on achieving a PhD by this route. Click here for more information. PhD by Published works (831 downloads)
8 May
I am delighted to say I have formally been told today that I have been awarded a PhD by Published Works. It’s been a fairly tortuous process but an enormously interesting one, and I learned a lot by doing it. I started with the view that it would be fairly straightforward to ‘convert’ my publications into a PhD, but actually the process was an extremely challenging and strenuous one, but also very enjoyable and has reignited my enjoyment of writing for publication, particularly journal articles. Funnily enough I am now planning on writing a guide to doing a PhD by Published Works so I can share my learning with others.
3 May
Today was spent at the inaugural North East National Teaching Fellows network meeting where Phil and I gave a presentation about how you bring about change in universities. It was great to meet up with people I know well alongside people who I’d only bumped into before. I think the network will be very useful in the future. Here are the slides we used in our presentation. On 14th and 15th May we will be going to the Association of National Teaching Fellows symposium in York which I am sure will also be very useful. NE NTFS Change (1431 downloads)
25 Apr
Should they have an NSS in Ireland?
See my input to the webinar held today at
The whole webinar is at
Incidentally Paul Hewson’s work at Plymouth University on the way data is used erroneously in NSS is fascinating.
My two articles on change in universities mentioned in the clip can be found in the posting for 24 April just below this post.