Dynamic Development in Dublin
11 Mar
I’m flying this week to Dublin to work with colleagues from the Institutes of Technology in Ireland thinking about accreditation of those who teach and support learning in Higher Education. They are interested in exploring diverse options including establishing their own Irish approach, and I am going to help facilitate their discussions using Phil’s and my colourful diagram (downloadable here as a Word document: ukpsf-details-on-one-sheet-w.docx (674 downloads) ), the HEA Fellowship Category Tool designed to help colleagues select the category of Fellowship that most closely matches their current practice, (see https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/form/fellowship-decision-tool?utm_campaign=Fellowship%20-%20FCT&utm_medium=web&utm_source=HEA ) and these slides: Dublin-ATLAS-14March-2019-w.pptx (477 downloads)
I’m looking forward to meeting up with Saranne Magennis, a longstanding friend from NUI Maynooth, while i am there.
For the rest of the week I will be mainly working on final arrangements for the National Teaching Fellows/ CATE awards Symposium, run in conjunction with AdvanceHE, still bookable via the AdvanceHE website https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/node/813. Any CATE award winners or NTFs not attending the Symposium, but wanting to join us for dinner at the Edgbaston Cricket Club on Thursday 28th March should contact me directly to ask about available dinner-only tickets. It looks like being a great event!