Sunshine, Slippery floors, Sore backs and substitution in Sunderland

27 Feb

We had a wonderful week’s holiday down in Devon and Cornwall last week catching up with friends and going to a wedding where I met cousins and friends I hadn’t seen for 30 years! The Sun shone on us pretty much all the time we were away adding to the overall mood of relaxation!
Sadly towards the end of our time in Falmouth I persuaded Phil that the hydrotherapy pool in the hotel would be good for his  joints. Sadly he slipped on the wet floor and fell hurting his back, so I am off to Sunderland University today to do his workshop on assessment! I hope they will tolerate my substitution for him! The slides I am using are here:  Sunderland-Assess-27-Feb-w.pptx (441 downloads)
You will be pleased to know he is on the mend, and that it is getting easier day by day.