Flags, Fellowship and Funky Fridays
29 Jan
After the excitement of our Burns night supper (none of us are Scottish but I like the grandchildren to enjoy all kinds of heritage and we never miss out on a party) I’m busy this week again with two information sessions about the National Teaching Fellowships scheme in 2019 for aspirants (for this year and future years) as well as those who support them. On Wednesday I’m at Sunderland 11-1pm then hotfooting down to Brighton for one at Brighton University 10-12. The slides about these sessions are here
ANTF-presentation-2019-slides-ww.pptx (914 downloads)
and all events are bookable via AdvanceHE. https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/events?field_focus_target_id=All&field_event_type_target_id=All&field_position_on_the_pathway_target_id=All&keys=NTF&field_event_date_value%5Bmin%5D=today&field_event_date_value%5Bmax%5D=%2B10+years&field_county_or_region_target_id=All&field_fellowship_category_target_id=All&field_instit_target_id=All
You can also find information at this link about booking for the NTF-led annual open symposium at Birmingham City University 28th-29th March on the theme of ‘Making a Difference’. This must be the most cost effective learning and teaching conference this year due to the generosity of the VC Philip Plowden who is himself an NTF and is allowing us to use BCU rooms without charge!
On Friday I’m raring to go again on assessment and feedback at the Business School at Sussex University and the slides I’m using are here. Sussex-Assess-1-Feb19-w.pptx (431 downloads)
Next week I’m running a virtual NTF2019 seminar on Wednesday 2pm-3.30 but the rest of the week is moderately quiet so I’m aiming to continue with the New Year’s Resolution to do more of what I enjoy, so Fridays from now on are all about Family, fiends, film, fiction, food and mainly fun!