Networking with novice assessors
1 Mar
Very early (for me) on the morning of Wednesday 1 March I am leading a webinar within the ascilte e-Assessment special interest group ‘Transforming assessment’ webinar series, hosted by Geoff Crisp and Matthew Hillier at the University of New South Wales. The slides for my session on ‘Getting started in assessment and feedback in higher education’ are here: TA_webinar_1_mar_2017_slides.pptx (496 downloads) . It’s designed for novices in HE assessment and the people who support them. This for me is a crucial area, since every person undertaking assessment needs to be competent and confident in doing so, otherwise validity and reliability suffer.
It’s been a delight and surprise to discover that 120+ participants from around the world will be joining in in a session that is billed as a preview session for the excellent Assessment in Higher Education Conference: I look forward to making a number of new friends and colleagues!
Here is the U-tube link to the recording of this webinar: it lasts nearly an hour, and it’s best to go to full-screen mode to see Sally’s slides well;