Sharing in Sheffield and beyond

30 Jun

After two hectic weeks of European travel and a Brexit outcome that has left me saddened and aghast, I am now back in the UK for the next month at least, supporting a number of curriculum development and enhancement activities, as well as chairing the ANTF committee next week and supporting amazing Leeds Beckett colleagues in a ‘writing for publication’ residential in York (I can’t wait!). So first this week, on Thursday I am working with colleagues in Sheffield University to foster innovative approaches to curriculum design and assessment, for which the slides are here. Sheffield-june30-Innov-curric-assess-w.pptx (1170 downloads)  Life must go on! So let’s continue to share together in a mutually supportive and collegiate environment of people who care about learning,teaching and assessment whatever is happening in the wider world. Please remember that all my presentations and downloads are offered as Open Educational Resources for all.