Lively week in Liverpool, Chelmsford and Cambridge
8 Sep
On Wednesday 9th, I am working at Liverpool John Moores University helping again with their Curriculum Refreshment project. My brief reminder slides on curriculum design essentials is here: LJMU slides (630 downloads) .
On Thursday 10th September I am giving a keynote at the IEE Conference on Entrepreneurial Education, being held at Anglia Ruskin University, winner of the THES Enterprise University of the Year, in Chelmsford. My slides are here: IEEC slides (640 downloads) .
On Friday 11th September I am doing workshops for ARU on preparing candidates for National Teaching Fellowships in Chelmsford and Cambridge, the slides for which are here: ARU NTF slides (589 downloads) .
Then after 8 hours in our house in Newcastle, Phil and I are off to Spain on Saturday so I can do a PhD viva in Cadiz, and Phil and I will both be presenting at a conference on Formative Assessment in Santander. Slides for this presentation in English and Spanish will be posted here next week. I’ve been taking extra Spanish lessons over the summer to ensure I conduct myself reasonably well in both contexts!
PS: Here’s a word document of the text of Jo Johnson’s speech on 9th September entitled ‘Higher Education: fulfilling our potential’ Text of Jo Johnson speech (661 downloads) .