Sunshine, Solar panels, Sessions on assessment, Swimming and Stories
19 Aug

Mid August, and Phil and I are enjoying the good weather in our garden, particularly now have just had Solar panels and a great big battery installed, so we can make the very best of our Eastern sunshine!
We’ve had a little holiday in County Durham while the installation was happening, and I’ve loved our time in the Ramside Spa Hotel, having lots of time in the swimming pool as well as visiting Durham Cathedral and Castle (particularly the Anglo-Saxon stone crosses and treasures), the Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle, and Durham University’s Oriental Museum which I think is a NE treasure beyond compare. We often are so busy travelling to exotic places, we forget to make the most of local heritage.
But now it’s back to work, creating resources for various universities with Kay Sambell, preparing for my assessment session at Stirling University on 24 August, and my keynote at the WISECON conference at Manchester on September 13th.
In the midst of all that we have our 6-year-old twin granddaughters coming for a holiday while their parents work, so it’s non stop food preparation currently for the freezer prior to their visit, where we will be non-stop with crafting, swimming, stories and visits (probably including the Durham Oriental Museum where there are lots of kids’ activities around Egyptian mummies, world faiths and art work.
PLEASE NOTE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT CONTACTING ME: my current Gmail address may fail to work, so if you can’t get a message through to me, try twitter DMs @ProfSallyBrown, or email me on my Leeds Beckett email address which is my initial dot surname
If you are having a chance to enjoy some sunshine, I hope you enjoy it as much as we are doing.