Staff Development, Steady Recovery and Snow

10 Feb

Today I really enjoyed doing a virtual workshop on assessment and feedback for nearly 100 colleagues at NCG, which is an HE in FE provider in Newcastle, Carlisle, Lewisham, Southwark, Skelmersdale and Kidderminster. It was lovely to do a session for colleagues, many of whom live relatively close to me here, and to engage in a productive conversation. The slides for the session are here: NCG-Masterclass-10-Feb21-w.pptx (465 downloads)

Friends and colleagues of Phil Race will be delighted to know he is making steady progress in his recovery from a hip replacement three and a half weeks ago and he is looking forward to extending his walking range beyond the house and garden, currently constrained by snow. But it’s an ill (and chill North East) wind that blows no good, so instead of a photo of Phil striding up the street, here is one of our grandson Lucas eating porridge and doing elementary science in the garden, weighing snow (and then using the snow as giant snowballs!).