Excellence, Enhancement and Evidencing outstanding T and L
16 Dec
It’s been a hectic month pulling together a number of projects but I’m pleased to say that today I concluded my autumn semester work with a contribution to the ALTC online conference on assessment.
On Monday Kay Sambell and I ran a webinar for SEDA as part of their winter conference offering on authentic and compassionate assessment.
Prior to that I have been busy working with Galway University on recognising teaching and research excellence, and with the University of Central Lancashire on enhancing the student experience.
So it’s time to wish all friends and colleagues a very happy Christmas! It’s been a weird old year with lots of learning, a number of frustrations, and many things to be grateful for.. Phil and I would like to finish the year with this table of suggestions for anyone thinking of going for promotion on the grounds of teaching and learning this year which focuses on the kinds of evidence you should be collecting and collating to make a strong case. A link to our table is here:
Demonstrating-excellence-in-T-and-L-final.docx (986 downloads)
After a complex and challenging year for everyone, we hope 2021 will bring health, peace, Joy, scholarship, collegiality and buckets full of laughter and fun.