Radical Rethinking and Re-visioning

21 Aug

Further to my 17 August posting, I am delighted to say that SEDA have now published with very rapid turnaround our paper written specially for them on “Changing assessment for good: a major opportunity for educational developers” where Kay Sambell and I argue that the Covid-19 situation provided educational developers with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change assessment long term as a result of the changes that have had to be made in the short term because of the emergency.
We conclude that radical change of the kind we were told was impossible is achievable and desirable in these new conditions we now find ourselves in. We suggest that if we don’t build on these in the future, we betray not only the trust of our students but also the endeavours of hard-pressed staff who have worked around the clock to make assessments in this year happen for students who otherwise would not have progressed and graduated.We have to make assessment in this new era truly represent what research (and our hearts) tells us genuinely works!
SEDA-special-post-covid-assessment-aug15-w.docx (747 downloads)