Autumn Assessment Antics and enhancement Activities

25 Nov

This week I am back down again at Solent University, working with course teams on improving NSS scores through curriculum enhancement, and doing some other workshops including this week’s session on assessment for which the slides are here. Solent-PRSB-workshop-w.pptx (453 downloads) Even though Phil is retired, he is coming down to keep me company this week, and so I said he could have a guest slot in my university wide workshop. The slides you see here are the ones from which we will both select. We will also be giving the biscuit game a whirl:  Activity-1-The-Biscuit-Game.pdf (574 downloads) .
As the dark days of autumn head progressively towards winter, the nights  draw in and gloom is in the air politically, it’s a good idea to do things for fun which make us cheerful.

On the afternoon of the 28th, Phil did a guest input on Feedback in my workshop, then Paul Maple recorded and led guest video interviews with us both on assessment and feedback, to be edited and made available to staff at Solent through their website. The photo, taken by him, shows us with Karen Arm of Solent.