Inclusivity, insights and indolence

17 Jul

This week sees the last of institutional conferences to which I will be contributing this academic year, after which my proper summer holiday starts (unlike academics on the payroll for whom the months of July and August just mean a different kind of work, I can enjoy the months of jam making and Granny caring!).

So Friday sees me at the Royal Veterinary College talking about ‘Coherent curriculum design, delivery and assessment to promote learning and well-being’ (my slides are here: RVC-July-curriculum-ww.pptx (720 downloads) ) as well as contributing  to discussions of student support for learning and taking part in a conversazione on visions for higher education in the future.

Of course I won’t be idle over the summer, I will be writing, mentoring and working on my many diverse projects. But some of the time I will join Phil on a sun lounger (one each actually)  and watch the clouds in the sky above. I hope you all have some lovely down time too!