Fellowships, Feedback, Facilitation, Fun and Future Fitness and Friendship days

15 Jan

Another busy week! After reading in school with Year One in the morning on Monday I will get the train with Phil to London , Queen Mary University, where Phil and I will be based for 2 days supporting Fellowship and assessment activities.
On Wednesday 16th, I am running the first of the Association of National Teaching Fellows support workshops to help people thinking about applying for NTSs as well as those working with them. There are a dozen of these plus webinars, so that wherever you live in the UK there should be one you can attend. Full details and booking arrangements are on AdvanceHE’s website. Thanks very much to Mark Allinson at Regent’s University for hosting this first event, from 2.00-4.00 pm. The slides that we will all be using are here:  ANTF-presentation-2019-slides-ww.pptx (914 downloads)

Then we’re off to Cumberland Lodge for two days to run the NTF-led writing residential (pro bono) which will be great fun. It’s a fabulous venue and participants make great progress. Some are coming just to get peace and quiet and others will be joining in with facilitated sessions on topics we will negotiate at the start of the two days. The slides which Phil and I used are here (we only used some of these, but we hope you’ll find the rest of interest):  Cumberland-lodge-writing-residential-17-18-janauary-2019-W.pptx (514 downloads)
But I made a big decision while we were in Ireland last week. As I head towards my 69th birthday shortly I’ve decided I am not going to take any work bookings on Fridays any more (while fulfilling those already in the diary). Instead I’m making Friday’s into my Friendship and Fitness days from now on.