Fellowship, Feedback and Fun

22 Nov

Phil and I are just commencing a block of work at Queen Mary University London supporting Max Addo and colleagues in increasing the take up of HEA Fellowship applications and supporting their whole-institutional drive to improve assessment and feedback.
Here is a Word file of the diagram showing the relationship between the various kinds of HEA Fellowship which we used yesterday, to help colleagues prepare to apply for HEA Fellowships:  ukpsf-details-on-one-sheet-w.docx (674 downloads)
Here are the main slides that we used in our workshop on Assessment and Feedback today.  QMU-AssessFeedback-22-Nov2018-w.pptx (470 downloads) and here is a link to the Biscuit game which which we started the workshop:   Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1154 downloads)
It was great to see Dianne Nutt, Jo Masterson, Suzannah Quinsee and others there on Wednesday working with the network of institutional leads supporting colleagues going for National Teaching Fellowships in 2019. Please also see the now-bookable series of events being organized by the Association of National Teaching Fellows nation-wide from mid January to early February to support those wanting to apply this coming year.