Trundling towards term-time and TACIT Tips and Guides
19 Aug
Over the summer Phil and I have been working with Marese Bermingham of Cork Institute of Technology on guides for use there with their lecturing and student support staff. In due course, these will be made open access resources, following on from the examples of OER work on assessment and feedback produced by Margaret Price, Erica Morris and me at Anglia Ruskin University, (which we are grateful to Sharon Waller for sharing). see and at Edinburgh Napier University (thanks to Kay Sambell) see
The Cork IT resources aren’t going to cover assessment, (as everyone can use the ARU and Napier OERs) but instead are a suite of Teaching and Assessment at Cork IT (TACIT) guides and TACIT Tips, as well as an updated version of In at the Deep End (originally produced by Phil at Leeds Beckett University).
For the time being, I thought you might like to see the TACIT guide on Giving your first ever lecture or conference presentation. If you like it, feel free to modify it for your own university and college staff (thanks Marese) and let me know if you think there are improvements we could make before it goes in to hard copy production. You can download it here: TACIT-guide-First-ever-lecture-w.docx (648 downloads)