Convivial co-working at Cumberland Lodge

9 Sep

It’s been a glorious summer of sunshine, writing, grandchildren, travelling down the Rhine from Switzerland to Germany, seeing friends, blasting through the Edinburgh Festival, and attending the Enterprise Educators Conference in Leeds last week, as well as an AdvanceHE networking event in York for institutional supporters of NTF applicants.
We’ve also been  preparing for the next academic year, so Phil and I are delighted to be kicking this off with an NTF-organised Writing Residential at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park on Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday, the 12th of September.
We have prepared lots of slides, which are here,  Cumberland-Lodge-writing-2018-w.pptx (463 downloads) and will also be offering one-to-one support to delegates at the residential.

It’s great to be back in harness doing the kind of work we both really enjoy: Happy New Academic Year!