Assessment matters for medical, science and health colleagues in Manchester
9 Jul
In this last workshop away from home this academic year I am looking forward to working with colleagues on Wednesday 11th at Manchester University in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health as well as colleagues from the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care on ‘Assessment and feedback for the twenty first century’ and the slides I will be using are here: AssessFeedbackManchester11th-July-2018-w.pptx (504 downloads) The handout for the biscuit game is here: Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1126 downloads)
Over the next six weeks I will be enjoying some holiday, grand parenting and also writing some resources for Cork IT in Ireland as well as working with Kay Sambell on our new book on International Perspectives on assessment. I hope if you are getting some holiday too, you have a nice break or otherwise have an enjoyable and productive summer!