Numerous National Teaching Fellows, and me

24 Jun

I’ve got lots going on this week, including a keynote on Promoting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Nottingham Trent University on Tuesday 26th, as well as a strategic meeting, and workshop on Getting published about Learning and Teaching. thanks very much to National Teaching Fellow Jane McNeil for inviting me to join in what looks like being a really interesting programme Both sets of slides are here: Nottingham-Trent-SoTL-June-2018-w.pptx (539 downloads)   GetPublishedNottingham-Trent-w.pptx (533 downloads)
On Wednesday Phil and I will travel via Leeds where I will be meeting with National Teaching Fellow Ruth Pickford, Then on to Manchester for the always thought-provoking Assessment in Higher Education Conference where I will be presenting on International Perspectives on Higher Education Assessment again with another National Teaching fellow Kay Sambell. Our Slides are here:  AHE-2018-International-MancFTLD.pptx (525 downloads)

Then on Thursday night I will be travelling across to Oulton Hall in Yorkshire with a contingent of 20 UK and US assessment experts for 36 hour invitational seminar where we will be unpicking the differences and similarities between American and British perspectives on assessment, with a view to future collaborations and publications.

We will be tweeting from the event and invite colleagues to join us between 6.30 and 7 pm on Friday 29th  on the hashtag #AngloUsAssessSummit in response to the following three questions

  1. ​​What differences have you noticed between the way Americans and British people talk about assessment?
  2. Do you think there are key structural differences between the ways in which we work on assessment, or are our principles very similar?
  3. Can you identify any literature, research or projects that would be particularly helpful; to either US or UK colleagues or both (and why do you say that?)

Do join in if you are free at that time. Lots of National Teaching Fellows will be taking part including Fabio D’Arico, Kay Sambell, Margaret Price, Peter Hartley, Naomi Winston, Tansy Jessop, Susan Orr, Mark Schofield, Phil Race and me! Thanks so much to Keston Fulcher and Nick Curtis of James Maddison University for involving me in making the arrangements for this. I won’t be using PowerPoint presentations here save a handout here, but of course we will be playing the biscuit game, and I am confident that outputs will be plentiful!

All this and the weather looks promising too!