Crumbs! It time for cookies in Cork
13 May
This week Phil and I are working at Cork IT as part of a programme of activity enhancing learning and teaching. Phil is doing a masterclass on making learning happen and I am doing one on assessment. My slides are here:
AssessFeedbackCorkIT-May-2018-w.pptx (544 downloads)
I will again be using the biscuit game to illustrate how we can develop assessment literacy: see here:
Biscuit-game-Anglia-Assessment-Album-w.docx (1154 downloads)
It’s great to be back in Cork again: on Sunday before we started working we had a train trip down to Cobh as illustrated here.
On Wednesday I am visiting Edinburgh Napier University again as part of the work I’m doing with Kay Sambell and I’m very much looking forward to meeting up again with colleagues from Pachua University.
Then joyously at the end of the week we are off to see our glorious granddaughters in Neath. What a lovely work life balance we have.