Mammoth (February and) March Madness in Midlands, Milton Keynes, Manchester and actually everywhere!
17 Feb
On Thursday 21st February, I am really pleased to be running a workshop and giving a keynote at the University of Gloucestershire Cheltenham campus on ‘Making a difference though assessment’ and ‘Feedback for learning’: the slides are here. Gloucs-feedback-keynote-16-Feb-w.pptx (472 downloads) Gloucs-assess-workshop-Feb-w.pptx (455 downloads) It’s been some years since I’ve been to UoG and I’m looking forward to catching up with colleagues I’ve known for years and meeting new ones too. A handout for the biscuit game can be downloaded here: Biscuit-game.docx (674 downloads)
And then, after a trip to Lincoln on 28th February to work with Debbie Lock on materials to help people achieve their HEA Fellowships at different levels, I begin a marathon month of activities related to National Teaching Fellowships – see below.
Then on 20th-21st March I will be helping to welcome delegates to the two day ‘Impact of Teaching Excellence ANTF and HEA Teaching Excellence Awards symposium’ in Manchester see:
Day one is for National Teaching Fellows only, but day two is for the wider community and I hope to see lots of friends and colleagues there. On the second (open) day Kay Sambell and I hope to be presenting our emergent work on international perspectives on Assessment, which is a major project I am working on currently.
It’s all a bit hectic but in the middle of it Phil and I are going to Center Parcs at Woburn Sands with all our sons, partners and grandchildren (just the twelve of us) so that should be nice and quiet!
A nice peaceful Easter at home in Newcastle planned though!