Mastering Postgraduate Employability and UKPSF Fellowships
12 Jul
This is my last busy week before things wind down a bit for me and Phil over the summer (but the grand-parenting keeps going all through, so will still be occupied!)
I am very pleased to be contributing on Tuesday and Wednesday a keynote and two workshops to Michelle Morgan’s groundbreaking HEFCE-funded project on Masters level Employability. It’s producing some really useful data which I am looking forward to hearing more about. Meanwhile my slides for the keynote are here: Kingston Keynote (639 downloads) .
On Thursday I am again contributing to Nottingham Trent University’s target of getting all staff to achieve HEA Fellowships at the appropriate level. I again provide here the slides and handout Phil and I prepared to support the process which anyone is welcome to access and use. UKPSF grid (810 downloads) , UKPSF slides (775 downloads) , Questions for PFHEA applicants (760 downloads) .
Over the summer my posts will be less frequent and I will be aiming to do some housekeeping on my website. Do get in touch by email though if I can help with anything: