Solent, Starting assessing, Sussing out NTF, and Santa
10 Dec
This week sees the last of my planned Southampton Visits to work at Solent University on curriculum enhancement matters. On Wednesday I will be doing a workshop on assessment and feedback in which I will be playing The Biscuit Game
Activity-1-The-Biscuit-Game.pdf (574 downloads)
to raise issues around assessment literacy. I will also work on Wednesday and Thursday with three more teams on improving student engagement and satisfaction. Thank you so much to Julie Hall, Karen Arm and Karen Heard-Laureote for making me so welcome at the University.
Thanks also to Martha Caddell at Heriott Watt University for this week releasing a link to some resources Phil and I created in the summer, and in particular, mine today for people who are very new to marking, this link should open Twitter and get you there:
Now a link to a ‘Box Set’ on the youtube channel of resources made by Phil and I at Heriot Watt:
On Friday at Newcastle University in room NUBS 2.08 on the second floor of the Business School (near St James Park Metro station) I will be running the North East’s Road Show in which I will be explaining how the 2020 National Teaching Fellowship scheme will work. If you are thinking of going for NTF this year or in the future, do come along, even if you haven’t registered with Advance HE’s website for this free event. You are very welcome if you work in UK higher education, or teach at HE level in an FE college, wherever you live, but particularly in the north-east! Hope to see you there.
And then happy Christmas one and all, because that will be the end of my work for 2019 (apart of course from residual desk work!)