Conversations and Collegiality in Cork

2 Jan

Happy New Year to everyone: let’s hope we all survive the political uncertainties of the coming months relatively unscathed!

My New Years Resolutions included ‘Being More Puffin’ (i.e. giving myself a break sometimes) and a commitment to read more fiction, and I certainly succeeded in making a good start between Christmas and New Year.

What a joyful start to the year’s work in 2019 however to be presenting alongside the fabulous Michelle Morgan of Bournemouth University, Kay Sambell of Edinburgh Napier University and Phil, during  Cork IT’s ‘Conversations on Teaching and Learning’ programme next week. My session will be on applying for HEA Fellowship, taking into account developments within the emergent Irish framework for enabling HEI staff to track their professional development within the sector (see the ‘Aligning Teaching and Learning across the Technological Sector’ (ATLAS) mapping consultation). My slides are here as is Phil’s and my colourful diagram setting out the UKPSF on a single (A3) page.  Cork-January-2019-FHEA-w.pptx (440 downloads)   ukpsf-details-on-one-sheet-w.docx (617 downloads)