Manchester, mentoring and Molly-and-Chloe

5 Sep

So it’s back to school today with Granny on the school run and back to work for me tomorrow after a lovely summer vacation, with me keynoting at the RAISE conference in Manchester The slides for my presentation on ‘engaging students creatively to maximise student retention and achievement’  are here: RAISE-Sept-2017-w.pptx (558 downloads) The Twitter hashtag for the conference is #RAISE17

I look forward to Learning from fellow delegates on Wednesday and then on Thursday I am continuing with my mentoring role with colleagues from Liverpool John Moores University. I have been working with people there over the last three years to help them write and publish journal articles in support of achieving PhD’s by publication with pleasing levels of success!

Then on Thursday night, it’s off down to Wales to see our Welsh grandchildren Molly and Chloe, who, after a bumpy start on now 14 months old and thriving. Meanwhile, Phil is working at Swansea University running keynote and workshops on ‘Designing out Plagiarism’.

It’s been a super summer with time in Spain and at the Edinburgh festival and it’s nice now to contemplate an autumn of creativity and engagement.