​​​Doris Day, Developments and Dancing

26 Feb

On Thursday 23 February I was working again with colleagues at Lincoln University helping then to draft HEA Fellowship applications.  I normally post web updates on or before  the day of the workshop, but ghastly weather meant I was preoccupied with getting home afterwards (and I did successfully thank goodness). For the workshop, I mainly used the UKPSF grid. grid-2015-11-1-2.docx (588 downloads)

For those of you who have enjoyed using my Biscuit game Biscuit-game.docx (673 downloads)  as a means of making people think about assessment criteria, you might enjoy listening to the podcast of the BBC Radio 4 programme The Philosopher’s Arms, broadcast at 8pm on Monday 20th February.

Cake or biscuit? Why Jaffa Cakes excite philosophers​​

This week, Phil and I and our sons and families  (including 4 grandchildren) are off to Center Parcs at Woburn for family delights so not much work will be done.

Normal service will resume  shortly after that with a mentoring weekend with our PhD by Publication group, then a trip to Utrecht University where I will be talking about Internationalization under the theme of ‘It takes two to tango’: I have already bought the frock so watch out for the pictures!