Energising assessment and feedback in Edinburgh
13 Jan
As part of a suite of workshops for Edinburgh University, I am on Thursday 18th January working with colleagues in Art and Design at the Edinburgh College of Art, specifically looking at how to improve student satisfaction in relation to assessment and feedback in art and design, which is notoriously one of the most complex subject areas of evaluation. My slides are here:
Edinburgh-NSS-and-assessmentJan-2017-AD-w.pptx (502 downloads)
As a means of asking colleagues to think about criteria and assessment issues generally, I will be using the Biscuit game (attached:
Biscuit-game.docx (618 downloads)
) which I developed for Anglia Ruskin University’s ‘Anglia Assessment Album’, a great open resource.
It was lovely having a holiday but I am really enjoying getting back into work!