Lovely time in Liverpool

10 Nov

I am currently working with a Faculty at Liverpool John Moores University, helping colleagues prepare their learning, teaching and assessment priorities  for the year to align with the universities’ draft strategic plan. Here are the slides I used, Liverpool workshops (618 downloads) together with some useful references from the literature on managing change in universities. Here are some  useful quotes (reference details are in the slides0.

George Lueddeke says “Too often new approaches are introduced by executive fiat or though a centralist management strategy, or, at worst through ad hoc and hurried planning interventions in response to years of benign neglect. It seems a rarity indeed for academics to genuinely feel that they are part of a meaningful, participatory decision-making process that values their experience or even their instinct for seeing potential pitfalls.”

Lee Harvey adds “Little progress is likely within the current external quality monitoring regime unless there is a radical shift to an integrated process of trust that prioritises improvement of learning” (Harvey, 2005, p.274).

And Geoff Scott proposes: “A fundamental factor in reshaping culture is how well the senior management consistently model good practice” (Scott, 2004, p.5).